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Calculating the threshold date - Qliksense function

So I have a data which is in the following format:

Order ID Order Date Order Qty Threshold Qty Cummulative Sum
1 Day1 5 9 5
2 Day2 5 9 10
3 Day3 6 9 16

I want to create a new column called "Threshold Date", which should contain the value:

Threshold Date

Which comes from the relation that it will be the first date when the net Cumulative Sum goes over the Threshold Qty. This function can be implemented in Python easily by taking a variable which holds the fixed value.

Is there any Qlik Sense function or method in which can be helpful to solve the following problem? I am relatively new to Qlik Sense.


  • The script below should give you the expected result (check out the screenshot).

    One way to solve this is to check for each row:

    • if the previous value for Threshold Date 1 is null 2
      • if its not then return the last loaded/previous value for Threshold Date
      • it its empty then check if the current value of Cummulative Sum is greater than the current value of Threshold Qty
        • if true then return the current value of Order Date
        • if false return null

    1 is possible to reference new field while creating the new field but only in the context of its previous value. Thats why peek([Threshold Date]) can be used while [Threshold Date] is being created (aka not loaded from a previous table)

    2 In Qlik (Sense and View) -1 is true and 0 is false. More info here.

    3 More about peek() function here.

            IsNull(peek([Threshold Date])) = 0, 
            peek([Threshold Date]),
                [Cummulative Sum] > [Threshold Qty],
                [Order Date], 
        ) as [Threshold Date]
    Load * Inline [
    Order ID, Order Date, Order Qty, Threshold Qty, Cummulative Sum
    1       , Day1      , 5        , 9            , 5
    2       , Day2      , 5        , 9            , 10
    3       , Day3      , 6        , 9            , 16

    And the resulting table will be: Result