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Using %cd or % run with environment variables does not work in google colab

I set some environment variables in one cell as below:

# Dataset
%env DATASET_NAME=BOSSbase_1.01
%env DATASET_GDRIVE_PATH=/content/gdrive/My Drive/University/Datasets
%env DATASET_PATH=/content/Datasets

# Result
%env RESULT_PATH=/content/Results
%env RESULT_GDRIVE_PATH=/content/gdrive/My Drive/University/Results

# Code
%env CODE_PATH=/content/Code

# Run
%env EMBED_RATIO=0.8
%env MODEL_NAME=BOSSbase_7030_810

When I use ! echo $VARIABLE_NAME in another cell I get the desired result and the content of the variable echoed correctly. But when in one cell I use %cd $VARIABLE_NAME or for running a python code with %run I get this error message:

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '$CODE_PATH'

How can I use cd command in a cell with an environment variable?


  • It's an old question but without good answer. This works better and it's easier:

