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Prettier how to accept both single line and multiple line for function args

Hi I want my fn args should be on multiple lines:

// this should be on 1 line,
foo(user_id: string, bar: string, blahBlah: string) {   
  return this.financeService.getUserWallet(user_id);

// this fn args should be multi-lines
async updateUserWallet(
  @Param('user_id') user_id: string,
  @Param('delta') delta: number,    
  @Param('foo') bar: number,
) {

But prettier force it to single line that make my code hard to read:

async updateUserWallet(@Param('user_id') user_id: string, @Param('delta') delta: number, @Param('foo') bar: number) {

my printWidth: 120

How can I keep using both case: 1 lines, and multiple line args?


  • Ah, I found out a hacky solution: Because all code after // will become a comment, so prettier will not move your code from line 2 to line 1 if line 1 has a comment at the end of line.

    // add a comment to the end of each args, so no one can merge your args into 1 line
    async updateUserWallet(
      @Param('user_id') user_id: string, //
      @Param('delta') delta: number, //
      @Param('foo') bar: number, //
    ) {