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Parsing error: Unexpected token prettier/prettier caused by "<!DOCTYPE html>"

I have this vue app which I create using vue cli and the version I use is vue2 (with eslint and prettier).

I could run npm run serve and load my page. But in Visual Studio Code, I notice this error:

    "resource": "/c:/vue/app2/public/index.html",
    "owner": "eslint",
    "code": {
        "value": "prettier/prettier",
        "target": {
            "$mid": 1,
            "external": "",
            "path": "/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier",
            "scheme": "https",
            "authority": "",
            "fragment": "options"
    "severity": 4,
    "message": "Parsing error: Unexpected token",
    "source": "eslint",
    "startLineNumber": 1,
    "startColumn": 2,
    "endLineNumber": 1,
    "endColumn": 2

and this is my .eslintrc.js which is auto generated when I create the app and I didn't make any changes to it since then.

module.exports = {  
  root: true,
  env: {
    node: true
  extends: ["plugin:vue/essential", "eslint:recommended", "@vue/prettier"],
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 2020
  rules: {
    "no-console": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "warn" : "off",
    "no-debugger": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "warn" : "off"

I notice that the error is actually referring to this line instead. Anyone knows what's wrong with this?

<!DOCTYPE html>


  • I've met a similar issue. It was caused by <!DOCTYPE html>.

    The fix is quite easy, we need to specify a parser in prettierrc, although it is obvious:

      - files: '*.html'
          parser: 'html'
      - files: '*.component.html'
          parser: 'angular'

    After that prettier is able to format files with <!DOCTYPE html>.

    Creds go to krave1986