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Mock is not working properly when i try to return optional

I'm writing a test for a method in which the repository should return a user, I've hardcoded this logic, but my mock returns an empty optional. Here is the method code

public AppChatMember getByTelegramId(long telegramId) {
    return userRepository.findByTelegramId(telegramId).orElseThrow(() -> new UserNotFoundException(
            String.format(USER_NOT_FOUND_BY_TG_ID, telegramId)));

Here is the test code

@DisplayName("Checking that method is calling find by telegram id")
void getByTelegramIdShouldCallFindByTelegramId() {
    long expectedTelegramId = 123456L;
    AppChatMember user = getAppChatMember();



    verify(userRepository, times(1)).findByTelegramId(expectedTelegramId);

Setting up mocks

class UserServiceImplTest {

private UserService userService;

private UserRepository userRepository;

private GroupRepository groupRepository;

private ArgumentCaptor<AppChatMember> appChatMemberCaptor;

Here is getAppchatMember

AppChatMember getAppChatMember() {
    AppChatMember user = new AppChatMember();
    return user;

Here is userRepository

public interface UserRepository extends     
JpaRepository<AppChatMember, Long> {

boolean existsByTelegramId(long telegramId);

Optional<AppChatMember> findByTelegramId(long telegramId);

Optional<AppChatMember> findByTelegramId(Long telegramId);

List<AppChatMember> findByCondition(UserConditionEnum condition);



  • The problem was that there were 2 identical methods, but one took a primitive, and the second was an object type and Mockito mock te object type method, so solution is delete one from repository.