Using Panache MongoDB, how can you apply the group keyword from code? (Small edit: I want to ask how to apply an aggregation in general, I need group in my specific case, but I couldn't find any aggregation from code)
The documentation doesn't include any example of this, or any complex query for that matter.
So, if I had an entity:
public class myClass extends PanacheMongoEntity{
String groupId;
String uuid;
String otherField;
How could I get them split in different collections based on groupId.
For reference, I want to translate this query to in-Java code ('$$ROOT' saving the entirety of the object in every collection, as shown in the MongoDB documentation. This query was generated with MongoBD Compass):
$group: {
_id: '$groupId',
collection: { $push: '$$ROOT' }
{ maxTimeMS: 60000, allowDiskUse: true }
I learnt how to. You can apply aggregations through the MongoCollection interfact, using Bsons to set the parameters:
List<Bson> params = new ArrayList<>();
"$groupId", new BsonField (
"itemName", new Document("$push","$$ROOT")
.aggregate( params )