I have created Table production_report
pro_id | pro_stage_id | pro_model_id | pro_qty |
1 | 1 | 44 | 420 |
2 | 1 | 44 | 200 |
3 | 1 | 44 | 430 |
Table production_defects_report
pdr_id | prd_modet_id | pdr_stage_id | pdr_defect_id | pdr_qty |
1 | 44 | 1 | 2 | 123 |
2 | 44 | 1 | 2 | 123 |
Table model_details
modet_id | modet_name |
44 | 22955 TMR5 BLUE |
Table stages
st_id | st_name |
1 | Prepare Material |
2 | Testing |
Table defects
def_id | def_name |
1 | Broken Head |
2 | Lose power |
I need to know the summation of pro_qty and the pdr_qty to know how much produced and how many defects founded after testing such as the following table
Model Name | Stage Name | Produced Quantity | Defect Name | Quantity of defects | Percentage |
22955 TMR5 BLUE | Prepare Material | 1050 | Lose power | 246 | 35.14 |
I have created a Model to get and summation in QTY from both tables as the below function
public function getCombinedReport() {
$this->db->select('md.modet_desc AS model_name, s.st_name AS stage_name, SUM(pr.pro_qty) AS total_pro_qty, d.def_name AS defect_name, COALESCE(SUM(pdr.pdr_qty), 0) AS total_pdr_qty');
$this->db->from('production_report AS pr');
$this->db->join('model_details AS md', 'pr.pro_model_id = md.modet_id');
$this->db->join('stages AS s', 'pr.pro_stage_id = s.st_id');
$this->db->join('production_defects_report AS pdr', 'pr.pro_model_id = pdr.pdr_modet_id AND pr.pro_stage_id = pdr.pdr_stage_id');
$this->db->join('defects AS d', 'pdr.pdr_defect_id = d.def_id');
$this->db->group_by('pr.pro_model_id, pr.pro_stage_id, d.def_id');
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
The problem i found it returns the summation of pro_qty and pdr_qty multiplied by the counted rows of other joined tables. such as the following table.
Model Name | Stage Name | Produced Quantity | Defect Name | Quantity of defects | Percentage |
22955 TMR5 BLUE | Prepare Material | 2100 | Lose power | 738 | 35.1% |
I want to generate a report to know how many defects for each stage in the model.
You're getting the wrong results because you have multiple rows with the same model_id
and stage_id
in the production_report
table, and also multiple rows with the same model_id
, stage_id
and defect_id
in the production_defects_report
table. If you then join these two tables on model_id
and stage_id
, sql calculates all possible combinations of rows from the production_report
and production_defects_report
table where the model_id
and stage_id
match, and that causes it to duplicate rows. If you then sum the rows you also count the duplicates.
What you could do, is first group the production_report
table on model_id
and stage_id
and calculate the quanties for each group, and also group the production_defects_report
table on model_id
, stage_id
and defect_id
and calculate the quantities for each group, before joining the two tables. Then there will no longer be multiple rows with the same model_id
and stage_id
(unless the defect_id
is different, but I suppose you do want a separate row in that case) so sql will no longer duplicate the rows and since you've already done the summation before the join, you don't need to group and sum in the outer query anymore either. Query:
SELECT md.modet_name, s.st_name AS stage_name, pr.sum_pro_qty AS total_pro_qty, d.def_name AS defect_name, COALESCE(pdr.sum_pdr_qty, 0) AS total_pdr_qty
FROM (SELECT pro_model_id, pro_stage_id, SUM(pro_qty) AS sum_pro_qty
FROM production_report
GROUP BY pro_model_id, pro_stage_id) AS pr
JOIN model_details AS md ON pr.pro_model_id = md.modet_id
JOIN stages AS s ON pr.pro_stage_id = s.st_id
JOIN (SELECT pdr_modet_id, pdr_stage_id, pdr_defect_id, SUM(pdr_qty) AS sum_pdr_qty
FROM production_defects_report
GROUP BY pdr_modet_id, pdr_stage_id, pdr_defect_id) AS pdr
ON pr.pro_model_id = pdr.pdr_modet_id AND pr.pro_stage_id = pdr.pdr_stage_id
JOIN defects AS d ON pdr.pdr_defect_id = d.def_id
Fiddle: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/8DgUxDDZ3Jda4U6fwgiL6t/0 (Click "run" in the top bar to see the result.)
In CodeIgniter 3:
'SELECT md.modet_name, s.st_name AS stage_name, pr.sum_pro_qty AS total_pro_qty, d.def_name AS defect_name, COALESCE(pdr.sum_pdr_qty, 0) AS total_pdr_qty
FROM (SELECT pro_model_id, pro_stage_id, SUM(pro_qty) AS sum_pro_qty
FROM production_report
GROUP BY pro_model_id, pro_stage_id) AS pr
JOIN model_details AS md ON pr.pro_model_id = md.modet_id
JOIN stages AS s ON pr.pro_stage_id = s.st_id
JOIN (SELECT pdr_modet_id, pdr_stage_id, pdr_defect_id, SUM(pdr_qty) AS sum_pdr_qty
FROM production_defects_report
GROUP BY pdr_modet_id, pdr_stage_id, pdr_defect_id) AS pdr
ON pr.pro_model_id = pdr.pdr_modet_id AND pr.pro_stage_id = pdr.pdr_stage_id
JOIN defects AS d ON pdr.pdr_defect_id = d.def_id'