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Docker - mysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist

When I tried to start Mysql5.6 mirroring in docker, it didn't work... The log says:

mysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist
2018-12-11 06:41:58 9 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table.  
Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.

This is my command:

docker run                      \
  --name MYSQL5.6               \
  -d a46c                       \
  -p 3306:3306                  \
  --character-set-server=utf8   \

What should I do? Help,please!Thanks! pirture


  • oh,It's my mistake!

    I'm not familiar with docker's command rules! The docker command line is order sensitive. I should put -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -p 3306:3306 in front of -d IMAGE_ID