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decimaljs add method work incorrectly for big number

I'm using the Add method of decimalJS v10.4.3 to add 2 numbers: 12345678907812569090001 and 5001.

The result should be 12345678907812569095002 but decimalJS returns 12345678907812569095000

Any suggestions?


  • It must be because precision is less than the number of digits, so it ends with ...00

    var a = new Decimal("12345678907812569090001")
    var b = new Decimal("5001")
    var c = a.add(b)
    console.log (c.toFixed())
    <script src="" integrity="sha512-zPQm8HS4Phjo9pUbbk+HPH3rSWu5H03NFvBpPf6D9EU2xasj0ZxhYAc/lvv/HVDWMSE1Autj19i6nZOfiVQbFQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

    However should we set precision to a large enough number, it works: default is Decimal.precision = 20

    Decimal.precision = 100
    var a = new Decimal("12345678907812569090001")
    var b = new Decimal("5001")
    var c = a.add(b)
    <script src="" integrity="sha512-zPQm8HS4Phjo9pUbbk+HPH3rSWu5H03NFvBpPf6D9EU2xasj0ZxhYAc/lvv/HVDWMSE1Autj19i6nZOfiVQbFQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>