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ESP-IDF platformio build: Contents of segment at SHA256 digest offset 0xb0 are not all zero

I am trying to run the led-blink example from ESP-IDF with platformio. My target board is esp32-c6-devkitc-1.

Following the platformio doc I added the led_strip component by downloading and copying the espressif_led_strip_2.4.3 folder under components and added idf_component.yml in my src folder. However at the end of the compilation I got this error message:

A fatal error occurred: Contents of segment at SHA256 digest offset 0xb0 are not all zero. Refusing to overwrite.
*** [.pio\build\esp32-c6-devkitc-1\firmware.bin] Error 2

For which I don't have a clue. Any suggestions what I might have done wrong?


  • Eventually ditched and used the provided by the IDF package for compilation and everything worked as expected.