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MapStruct record to record mapping does not work

I try to convert a Java record from one package to another.

public interface KriteriumMapper {

    KriteriumMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(KriteriumMapper.class);
    de.model.Kriterium fromPersistenceRecord(Kriterium k);
package de.persistence.model.nontransactional;

public record Kriterium(String name, String crkSpaltenname) {}


package de.model;

public record Kriterium(String name, String crkSpaltenname) {}

But Mapstruct creates a mapper with an empty constructor for the new record, which is obviously not possible:

public de.Kriterium fromPersistenceRecord(de.persistence.model.Kriterium k) {
    if ( k == null ) {
        return null;
    de.model.Kriterium kriterium = new de.Kriterium();
    return kriterium;

The Mapstruct version is 1.5.5.Final.

How to handle Java record-to-record mapping?

I'm expecting a mapper implementation with uses the regular all args constructor of a jave record.


  • You mix-up the package names, I have noticed you use more than 2 Kriterium classes:

    • de.persistence.model.nontransactional.Kriterium
    • de.persistence.model.Kriterium
    • de.Kriterium

    You want to double-check that the classes from the correct packages are used in the KriteriumMapper.

    Don't forget to compile with the -parameters flag to enable generating metadata for reflection on method parameters (thanks to Rob Spoor).

    Here is a minimum working sample of record-to-record mapping:

    public interface KriteriumMapper {
        Kriterium2 fromPersistenceRecord(Kriterium k);
    public record Kriterium(String name, String crkSpaltenname) {}
    public record Kriterium2(String name, String crkSpaltenname) {}

    Here is the generated implementation of KriteriumMapperImpl after compilation :

        value = "org.mapstruct.ap.MappingProcessor",
        date = "2023-10-02T18:18:30+0700",
        comments = "version: 1.5.5.Final, compiler: javac, environment: Java 17.0.1 (Oracle Corporation)"
    public class KriteriumMapperImpl implementsKriteriumMapper {
        public Kriterium2 fromPersistenceRecord(Kriterium k) {
            if ( k == null ) {
                return null;
            String name = null;
            String crkSpaltenname = null;
            name =;
            crkSpaltenname = k.crkSpaltenname();
            Kriterium2 kriterium2 = new Kriterium2( name, crkSpaltenname );
            return kriterium2;