My Homepage has links on to youtube videos that open in an iframe on the Homepage when I click on the video thumbnail/link.
Page1 - Has an iframe named 'Main'.
So basically I want videos (which are listed on the homepage) to play in an iframe that exists on a different page.
Thanks for any help, Chris
If I got you right, you want the user to click a YouTube thumbnail on your homepage and then navigate to another page where there is an iframe inside which the YouTube video should be loaded, correct?
<a href="page1.html?yt=eokuVGX7oAI">
<img src="" alt="" />
<a href="page1.html?yt=pI0EpHD43Xo">
<img src="" alt="" />
<iframe name="Main" id="Main" src="about:blank" width="640" height="320"></iframe>
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const ytId = urlParams.get('yt');
const ytLink = '' + ytId + '?autoplay=1';
document.getElementById('Main').src = ytLink;
Note: Even though it worked like a charm during my testing, autoplay might not work on all browsers / devices because of restrictions. There's no way around that limitation.
page1.html (with default)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="about:blank" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" xmlns:xsi="" name="main" id="main" ></iframe>
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const ytId = urlParams.get('yt');
if(ytId==null) {
//Parameter empty, default to whatever video
document.getElementById('main').src = '';
} else {
const ytLink = '' + ytId + '?autoplay=1';
document.getElementById('main').src = ytLink;