Given this JavaScript object, I want to access their nested properties via dynamic method starting with 'get' + a CamelCased attribute name (of course the attribute must be defined in the inital object)
As far as I know, this can be achieved by using a Proxy object + recursion, but I need your input anyway.
Best regards!
function Order() { = 'n1234'; = {
customer: {
ID: 'c1234'
address: {
shiping: {
// ...
var order = new Order();
// The expected result should be:
// = order.getNo()
// = order.getInfo()
// or or order.getInfo().customer or order.getInfo().getCustomer()
// and so on for all nested attributes
This is the snippet I prepared, but it doesn't seem to work for nested properties.
function createProxy(obj) {
return new Proxy(obj, {
get(target, prop) {
if (typeof target[prop] === 'object' && target[prop] !== null) {
return createProxy(target[prop]);
if (prop.startsWith('get')) {
const propName = prop.charAt(3).toLowerCase() + prop.slice(4);
if (target[propName] !== undefined) {
return () => target[propName];
return target[prop];
function Order() {
const properties = {
no: 'n1234',
info: {
customer: {
ID: 'c1234'
return createProxy(properties);
var order = new Order();
// order.getInfo().customer - { ID: 'c1234' }
// order.getInfo().getCustomer() - TypeError: order.getInfo().getCustomer is not a function"
Here is the working solution. Thanks to @Barmar and Alexander Nenashev
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {Proxy} obj
function createProxy(obj) {
return new Proxy(obj, {
get(target, prop) {
function out() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(target[prop]) === Object.prototype) {
return createProxy(target[prop]);
} else {
return target[prop];
if (!prop.startsWith('get')) {
return out();
var property = prop[3] + prop.slice(4);
if (property.valueOf().toUpperCase() === property.valueOf()) {
prop = property;
return out;
} else {
prop = prop[3].toLowerCase() + prop.slice(4);
return out
function Order() { = 'n1234'; = {
customer: {
ID: 'c1234',
address: {
shipping: {
ID: 's4354654'
return createProxy(this);
var order = new Order();
console.log( // "n1234"
console.log(order.getNo()) // "n1234"
console.log( // "c1234"
console.log(order.getInfo().customer.ID) // "c1234"
console.log( // "s4354654"
console.log(order.getInfo().getCustomer().address.getShipping().getID()) // "s4354654"