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Godot Audio Reference cannot be found

I have been learning Godot 4 with C# and I came across a problem related to getting a reference to a node in a script.

public override void _Ready()
        AudioStreamPlayer2D audio = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer2D>("AudioPlayerThingy");
        audio.Stream = GD.Load<AudioStream>("res://DRUMS.wav");

It keeps saying that the AudioStreamPlayer2D Node, "AudioPlayerThingy," is not found relative to its sibling, a sprite2d renderer. I have made sure that I have not made any typos, and the tutorial I am following is from Godot 3 so I dont know if it is outdated for this question. What do I do here?


  • This expressions:


    Would have Godot try to retrieve a child AudioStreamPlayer2D that has a name set to "AudioPlayerThingy".

    However, you say:

    It keeps saying that the AudioStreamPlayer2D Node, "AudioPlayerThingy," is not found relative to its sibling, a sprite2d renderer.

    If you want a sibling, you would do this:


    This expression would have Godot try to retrieve a sibling AudioStreamPlayer2D that has a name set to "AudioPlayerThingy".

    I'll point out that if there is any chance that you would move those Nodes around in the scene tree in the future, that would break. Usually we assume that when we move a Node in the scene tree, we move it with its children. However, here you would have a Node depending on a sibling, which is a non-obvious dependency.

    Consider setting the Node to have a unique name in the scene (the option is in the context menu of the Node in the scene dock). With that enabled, you could do use this:


    This expression would have Godot try to retrieve a AudioStreamPlayer2D that has been set to have a unique name in the scene, and that name is set to "AudioPlayerThingy".

    For people coming from Unity:

    Godot does not have a scene/prefab distinction. Here when I say "unique name in the scene" it refers to the scene being edited, which might be instanced multiple times, and each one would have an instance of the Node that has an unique name, all having the same name... The name is unique within the instance.

    Also "SpriteRenderer" is not a thing in Godot.