error: 'TickType_t' has not been declared
Which header has this?
FreeRTOS, C++11, ESP32
You need to include the freeRTOS source tree, add additionally specify the following paths to your compiler:
this happens because freeRTOS header files use relative includes of the form "FreeRTOS.h"
, if FreeRTOS.h is under /Src/include/FreeRTOS.h
the compiler needs to have in its path /Src/include/
, otherwise it will fail to find it.
As far as your question goes, it is defined in portmacro.h, but this file is found under freeRtos/portable/<your-compiler>/<your-processor-arch>/portmacro.h
For example if you are compiling with gcc and using an ARM-Cortex4F, it will be under freeRTOS/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h