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In my controller's update action, when update_attributes fails due to the validator, I lose the /edit suffix in my URL

Description of my work environment: Rails 4.2.4, Ruby 2.3.1, SQL Server database, javascript on object html views

My controller that content an update action:

      if @cs.update_attributes(cs_params_update)
        flash[:notice] = "Centro de Saúde #{t(:record_successfully_updated)}"
        # format.html { render :action => 'edit', :cs_id =>  }
        # Permance na mesma página após o update
        format.html { redirect_to({:controller => :cs, :action=>:edit,
                                    :method => :get,
                                    :cs_id =>
        format.xml { head :ok }
        format.html { render({:controller => :cs, :action=> :edit }) }
        format.xml { render :xml => @cs.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }

When I try to edit as follows http://localhost:3000/cs/1/edit and to save something that is going to call a validation erron on my controller's update action, the validator display error validation as expected but instead rendering it redirects to show url as follows http://localhost:3000/cs/1 loosing the /edit suffix

I had previously seen this problem in some stackoverflow questions ->

How to make a render :edit call show the /edit in the address bar

Why the URL loses the '/edit' suffix after a failed validation?

In my case, I need to use :render, as my cancel button is sending me to the show due to the url and I can't go to the show, I need to stay in the edit after clicking the cancel button.

In my view I use javascript that allows you to enable and disable elements, follow the code present in my application.js:

function EnablDisablElements(FieldsNames, Status){
    if (FieldsNames) {
        for (var h = 0; h < FieldsNames.length; h++) {
            document.getElementById(FieldsNames[h]).disabled = Status;


  • You're falling victim to a common beginner hangup in Rails. Your app is actually behaving correctly but you're expecting the wrong result.

    Lets say you have a resource named products.

    In Rails the GET /products/1/edit action simply renders a form. It's an idempotent action.

    When you then submit the form you send PATCH /products/1 without the suffix. That's because in REST you use the HTTP method to convey what's happening. Not suffixes on the URL.

    When you then re-render the form with errors you're displaying the result of performing a non-idempotent action. You're responding to a form submission and that response is specific to just that request.

    This is not the same thing as GET /products/1/edit and should not have the same URL.
