For Spring Framework 6.0.11 about AOP, having
public class CienciaPointcut {
@Pointcut("execution(* com.manuel.jordan.service.CienciaService.find*(..))")
public void cienciaServiceFinds() {
@Pointcut("execution(* com.manuel.jordan.service.CienciaService.find*(..)) " +
"&& target(cienciaService) && this(proxy)")
public void cienciaServiceFinds(CienciaService cienciaService, Object proxy) {
Observe that the cienciaServiceFinds
method is overloaded and the latter used as:
@AfterThrowing(pointcut="com.manuel.jordan.aop.pointcut.CienciaPointcut.cienciaServiceFinds(cienciaService, proxy)",
When the app/test is executed it fails at startup with:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Required parameter names not available when parsing pointcut cienciaServiceFinds in type com.manuel.jordan.aop.pointcut.CienciaPointcut
at org.aspectj.weaver.reflect.Java15ReflectionBasedReferenceTypeDelegate.getDeclaredPointcuts(
at org.aspectj.weaver.ReferenceType.getDeclaredPointcuts(
at org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType$PointcutGetter.get(
at org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType$PointcutGetter.get(
at org.aspectj.weaver.Iterators$4$1.hasNext(
at org.aspectj.weaver.Iterators$4.hasNext(
at org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType.findPointcut(
at org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.ReferencePointcut.resolveBindings(
at org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.Pointcut.resolve(
at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut.buildPointcutExpression(
at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut.obtainPointcutExpression(
at org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut.getClassFilter(
But when is used
public class CienciaPointcut {
@Pointcut("execution(* com.manuel.jordan.service.CienciaService.find*(..))")
public void cienciaServiceFinds() {
@Pointcut("execution(* com.manuel.jordan.service.CienciaService.find*(..)) " +
"&& target(cienciaService) && this(proxy)")
public void cienciaServiceFinds2P(CienciaService cienciaService, Object proxy) {
Observe that now is used cienciaServiceFinds
and cienciaServiceFinds2P
. And of course, used as:
@AfterThrowing(pointcut="com.manuel.jordan.aop.pointcut.CienciaPointcut.cienciaServiceFinds2P(cienciaService, proxy)",
When the app/test is executed it works fine.
named method can't be overloaded?Following works when the order of pointcut declaration is modified.
public class CienciaPointcut {
@Pointcut("execution(* com.manuel.jordan.service.CienciaService.find*(..)) " +
"&& target(cienciaService) && this(proxy)")
public void cienciaServiceFinds(CienciaService cienciaService, Object proxy) {
@Pointcut("execution(* com.manuel.jordan.service.CienciaService.find*(..))")
public void cienciaServiceFinds() {
Not an answer , but my assumption is that , when the AspectJ ecountered the Advice
to process , the first pointcut name that match didn't satisfy the argument expectation.
The point here to note is , this is not about method overloading , rather the order of pointcut processing.
Attempted with Spring-boot-version : 2.6.4
On debug , the issue is within the method tryToDiscoverParameterNames()
called from
where the logic 'tries' to discover the parameters.
pnames = tryToDiscoverParameterNames(pcs[i]);
The method tryToDiscoverParameterNames()
only compares the method names to get the parameter names through Java15AnnotationFinder.getParameterNames()
. This results in incorrect identification of the pointcut method and the downstream logic fails to identify the parameters associated with the pointcut.
My read is that , this logic is faulty here and the condition check should also consider the arguments part of the pointcut to prevent this exception.