I am trying to convert the python code for a tutorial on Numerical bifurcation diagrams and bistable systems to Julia; however, I am struggling to make a vector field/quiver/streamplot using Julia. How can I do this? A full example of my attempt is included below.
using DynamicalSystems
using Plots
using UnPack
using LaTeXStrings
function plot_flow!(myplot, α, β, xspace = 0:0.1:2, yspace = 0:0.1:2)
flow = [
[ui, vi],
Dict(:α => α, :β => β),
for ui in xspace, vi in yspace]
# not sure what to do about the indexing here?
us = [flow[i, j][1] for i in 1:length(xspace), j in 1:length(yspace)]
vs = [flow[i, j][2] for i in 1:length(xspace), j in 1:length(yspace)]
quiver!(myplot, xspace, yspace, quiver=(us, vs))
cellular_switch_rule(y, p, t)
Biochemical rate equation formulation of gene expression for E-coli.
Compliant with DynamicalSystems.jl expected function signature.
function cellular_switch_rule(y, p, t)
@unpack α, β = p
u, v = y
udot = α/(1 + v^β) - u
vdot = α/(1 + u^β) - v
return SVector(udot, vdot)
cellular_switch(u0, p) = CoupledODEs(cellular_switch_rule, u0, p)
u_nullcline(v, α, β) = α/(1 + v^β)
v_nullcline(u, α, β) = α/(1 + u^β)
function plot_isoclines!(myplot, α, β, uspace = 0:0.1:2, vspace = 0:0.1:2)
n_u = [u_nullcline(vi, α, β) for vi in vspace]
n_v = [v_nullcline(ui, α, β) for ui in uspace]
plot!(myplot, uspace, n_v,
linstyle = :dash,
label = L"\frac{dv}{dt} = 0 \Leftrightarrow n_v(u)")
plot!(myplot, n_u, vspace,
linestyle = :dash,
label = L"\frac{du}{dt} = 0 \Leftrightarrow n_u(v)")
# Attempt to plot nullclines + vector field
α = 1
β = 2
myplot = plot(
xlabel = "u", ylabel = "v",
xlim = (0, 2), ylim = (0, 2),
legend = :right)
plot_isoclines!(myplot, α, β)
plot_flow!(myplot, α, β)
Unfortunately, the quiver
function from Plots.jl
while functional upon correction of the way I handled indexing and through the creation of a proper mesh Julia style, see below,
# julia style meshgrid
xxs = [x for x in xspace, y in yspace];
yys = [y for x in xspace, y in space]
the resulting Plots.quiver
plot does not scale the arrows very well, and it turns out to be far too messy to read. Since I had trouble using the PyPlot.streamplot
function, I decided to use CairoMakie.streamplot
, which is really intuitive to use and the working code is shown below:
using DynamicalSystems: CoupledODEs, trajectory, SVector
using CairoMakie; cm = CairoMakie
using UnPack
using LaTeXStrings
# parameters
α = 1
β = 2
# global parameter dict for use with streamplot
P = Dict(:α => α, :β => β)
# Functions needed for streamplot
function cellular_switch_point2f(y, P)
Point2f(cellular_switch_rule(y, P, nothing))
flow_field(x) = cellular_switch_point2f(x, P)
cellular_switch_rule(u, p, t)
Biochemical rate equation formulation of gene expression for E-coli.
# References
[1] : http://www.normalesup.org/~doulcier/teaching/modeling/bistable_systems.html
[2] : Gardner, T., Cantor, C. & Collins, J. Construction of a genetic
toggle switch in Escherichia coli. Nature 403, 339–342 (2000).
function cellular_switch_rule(y, p, t)
@unpack α, β = p
u, v = y
udot = α/(1 + v^β) - u
vdot = α/(1 + u^β) - v
return SVector(udot, vdot)
cellular_switch(u0, p) = CoupledODEs(cellular_switch_rule, u0, p)
u_nullcline(v, α, β) = α/(1 + v^β)
v_nullcline(u, α, β) = α/(1 + u^β)
function plot_isoclines!(ax, α, β, uspace = 0:0.1:2, vspace = 0:0.1:2)
n_u = [u_nullcline(vi, α, β) for vi in vspace]
n_v = [v_nullcline(ui, α, β) for ui in uspace]
linestyle = :dash,
linewidth = 3,
label = L"\frac{dv}{dt} = 0 \Leftrightarrow n_v(u)")
linestyle = :dash,
linewidth = 3,
label = L"\frac{du}{dt} = 0 \Leftrightarrow n_u(v)")
fig = cm.Figure()
ax = Axis(
fig[1, 1],
xlabel = "u",
ylabel = "v",
title = "Nullclines & Flow Field of E-coli Model"
cm.xlims!(ax, (0, 2))
cm.ylims!(ax, (0, 2))
plot_isoclines!(ax, α, β)
cm.streamplot!(ax, flow_field, 0..2, 0..2, colormap = :grays, alpha=0.2)