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How to add footnote in the YAML block of a Quarto document?

I am trying to add a footnote to affiliation in the YAML block, but got a mixed result:


  1. It successfully shows the footnote in both the behavior and format.
  2. But in the Footnote section below, it shows 3 repetitive footnotes, rather than one unique note.
    (I have tested with different words and combinations, they always result in 3 footnotes, so the length of text should not be the reason caused this)
  3. In addition, it starts from 3, instead of 1.

I am just wondering how to display the footnote correctly?

Here is my full YAML block:

title: "How to add footnote in the YAML block?"
subtitle: "A Quesiton for Stackoverflow<br>"
date: today
published-title: "LAST UPDATED"
affiliation-title: "TEAMS"

  - name: "Yang Hu"
        name: \- ^[Retired]

  freeze: auto

toc: true
toc-title: "Contents"
toc-location: "left"
toc-depth: 4

    embed-resources: true
    self-contained: true
    smooth-scroll: true
    link-external-newwindow: true
    code-overflow: scroll
    code-fold: show
    code-line-numbers: true
    code-tools: true
      sidebar-width: 268px
      body-width: 800px
      margin-width: 320px
number-sections: false
code-annotations: hover
reference-location: document


  • I can reproduce the issue on my end. The minimal YAML header to reproduce seems to be:

    title: "How to add a footnote in the YAML block?"
    subtitle: "A Question for Stackoverflow"
    author: "Yang Hu ^[Retired]"
    format: html

    After changing the format to native we can see that pandoc renders the author information and the footnote three times in the meta data, for author, authors and author-by.

    We can write a little pandoc filter in Lua that removes the first two notes and only accepts the third note and notes after that.


    notes = 0
    return {
        Note = function (el)
          notes = notes + 1
          if notes >= 3 then
            return el
            return ""

    And this is what the YAML header with another note in the body would look like.

    title: "How to add footnote in the YAML block?"
    subtitle: "A Quesiton for Stackoverflow"
    author: "Yang Hu ^[Retired]"
          - fix_meta_notes.lua
    Something ^[Another Note]