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When do signals get assigned in VHDL?

Considering this code:

architecture synth of my_entity is
    signal a : std_logic;

    a <= c and d;
    b <= a and c;

end synth;

Is the second line going to respect that a changed in the other process or are all signals only at the end of architecture assigned?


  • Careful with your terminology. When you say a changed in the other "process", that has a specific meaning in VHDL (process is a keyword in VHDL), and your code does not have any processes.

    Synthesizers will treat your code as:

    a <= c and d;
    b <= (c and d) and c;

    Simulators will typically assign a in a first pass, then assign b on a second pass one 'delta' later. A delta is an infinitesimal time delay that takes place at the same simulation time as the initial assignment.

    Note this is a gross generalization of what really happens...if you want full details, read up on the documentation provided with your tool chain.