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Is there a way to make tkinter widget attributes global?

I am making a simple calculator using Python and tkinter and I wanted to save code by making global attributes.

I would like to set default attributes instead of:

myButton = Button(self, text = "A", width = 50, height = 50);
myButton.grid(row = 0, column = 0, width = 50, height = 50);
myButton = Button(self, text = "A", width = 50, height = 50);
myButton.grid(row = 0, column = 1);
myButton = Button(self, text = "A");
myButton.grid(row = 0, column = 2);
myButton = Button(self, text = "A");
myButton.grid(row = 0, column = 3);

I would like to make a default attribute for the Button widget. Any way to make that happen?


  • The simplest option is probably to create a dictionary of the arguments you want to use as defaults (like the width and height I assume), and pass them in as **kwargs to each Button

    And (as @Sembei mentioned), if you need to retain references to each button, you have to use different names for each variable. I've changed them here as an example

    # create a dictionary of the properties you want to share for each button
    btn_props = {
        'width': 50,
        'height': 50,
        # add other args here as needed
    # pass 'btn_props' in as keyword arguments (a.k.a. 'kwargs')
    myButton1 = Button(self, text = "A", **btn_props);
    myButton1.grid(row = 0, column = 0);
    myButton2 = Button(self, text = "A", **btn_props);
    myButton2.grid(row = 0, column = 1);
    myButton3 = Button(self, text = "A", **btn_props);
    myButton3.grid(row = 0, column = 2);
    myButton4 = Button(self, text = "A", **btn_props);
    myButton4.grid(row = 0, column = 3);

    Another option is to create your own button class that inherits from tk.Button, but that's slightly more involved

    User @TheLizzard has also raised another good point: buttons aren't sized in units of pixels. If you want to do that, the method outlined here is a good solution!