I want to run a python script at the end of a nextflow workflow using the onComplete handler. This is the code:
workflow.onComplete {
def proc = "path_to_env/bin/python3 path_to_file/update_run_status.py --run_id ${workflow.runName} --status 'Completed' --secrets_path 'path.toml'".execute()
if (params.email || params.email_on_fail) NfcoreTemplate.email(workflow, params, summary_params, projectDir, log, multiqc_report)
NfcoreTemplate.summary(workflow, params, log)
if (params.hook_url) NfcoreTemplate.IM_notification(workflow, params, summary_params, projectDir, log)
If the workflow is complete, no script will be executed, even if there are no errors or warnings.
Has anyone already encountered this problem?
def proc = [
'--run_id', workflow.runName,
'--status', 'Completed',
'--secrets_path', 'path.toml'
To get all the arguments passed to the processbuilder correctly, and then to wait for the process to finish running