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Blazor App Razor Pages Routing With parameters

trying to Use hyperlink column and performing routing on click

UriHelper.NavigateTo($"{ Employee.Link}/{Employee.EmployeeID.ToString()}/{Employee.Name}/{ Employee.Title}");

Not sure what to name the Razor page which will be retrieve using the dynamic link and how to initialize it with the required details

@page "/???????/{EmpID}/{Name}/{Title}"

it works when I have razor page named as and initializing it with the details

@page "/sara_clarck/{EmpID}/{Name}/{Title}"

but I do not want to create one razor page for each employee


  • The only thing you should need to pass to a new page is an ID. Your receiving page, let's call it /employees/{EmpID}, should be able to look up the employee's name and title on its own, probably in the OnInitializedAsync override.

    So something like:


    @page "/employees/{EmpID:int}"
    @if (DisplayEmp is not null)
        <SomeComponentThatDisplaysEmployeeInfo Employee=DisplayEmp />
    @code {
        public int EmpID { get; set; }
        public Employee? DisplayEmp = null;
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            DisplayEmp = MyDbService.GetEmployee(EmpID);

    As Shaun says, you can name the actual file whatever you want, as you specify the component's path as a page. A component can even have multiple routes defined, e.g. your main page could be @page "/" and also (on another line) @page "/index"