Search code examples

Combining pagination and refinement in webmatrix/razor

I am trying to combine two of the tutorials provide by Mike Brind. Seperately they work, but combined they don't, and I'm sure it's just a simple change I need to make.

I want to display a query over several pages, but if I change a search parameter, I want it to update. Here is my code (using Mike's books example):

    Page.Title = "Paging Books";
    Page.Header = "View Books";

    var pageSize = 3; 
    var totalPages = 0; 
    var count = 0;
    var page = UrlData[0].IsInt() ? UrlData[0].AsInt() : 1;
    var offset = (page -1) * pageSize;

    var db = Database.Open("Books");
    var sql = "Select Count(*) From Books " + 
           "Inner Join Authors on Books.AuthorId = Authors.AuthorId " + 
           "Inner Join Categories on Books.CategoryId = Categories.CategoryId";
    count = (int)db.QueryValue(sql);
    totalPages = count/pageSize;        
    if(count % pageSize > 0){
        totalPages += 1;
    sql = "Select Title, ISBN, Description, FirstName, LastName, Category From Books " + 
           "Inner Join Authors on Books.AuthorId = Authors.AuthorId " + 
           "Inner Join Categories on Books.CategoryId = Categories.CategoryId " +
           "Order By BookId OFFSET @0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @1 ROWS  ONLY;";

    var result = db.Query(sql, offset, pageSize);

    var categories = db.Query("Select CategoryID, Category FROM Categories");

<form method="post" action="">
    Select Category:
    <select name="CategoryID">
        <option value="">-- View All Books --</option>
        @foreach(var c in categories){
            <option value="@c.CategoryId">@c.Category</option>
    </select> <br />
    <input type="submit" name="Action" value="Select" />

<p>Page @page of @totalPages</p>
    foreach(var row in db.Query(sql, offset, pageSize, Request["CategoryID"])){
        <p><strong>Author:</strong> @row.FirstName @row.LastName<br />
            <strong>ISBN:</strong> @row.ISBN <br/>
            <strong>Description:</strong> @row.Description <br />
            <strong>Category: </strong> @row.Category</p>

    for (var i = 1; i < totalPages + 1; i++){
        <a href="/Paging/@i">@i</a>

This code currently shows all info in the correct pages, but when I change the Category, it doesn't just show results that match, it still shows all categories.


  • Your asp code is incomplete. You only have SQL code to return the full list of books. Nowhere does it include a statement to filter according to the category selected by the user.

    Before you do:

    var sql = "Select Count(*) From Books " + 
           "Inner Join Authors on Books.AuthorId = Authors.AuthorId " + 
           "Inner Join Categories on Books.CategoryId = Categories.CategoryId";

    you need to test if the request contains the attribute CategoryID with a non-empty value. If not empty define a different sql to filter on the category. Like so:

    if(!Request.QueryString["CategoryID"].IsEmpty() ) {
        var sql = "Select Count(*) From Books " + 
               "Inner Join Authors on Books.AuthorId = Authors.AuthorId " + 
               "Where Books.CategoryID=@0";
        count = (int)db.QueryValue(sql, Request.QueryString["CategoryID"])
    else {
        var sql = "Select Count(*) From Books " + 
               "Inner Join Authors on Books.AuthorId = Authors.AuthorId "; // no need for 2nd inner join
        count = (int)db.QueryValue(sql);

    The same issue arises in the second sql statement. Do similar to above adjusting for offset.