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Tailwind-Elements to work with webpack encore defer attribute false

My projects is running with Symfony 5.4 and uses Webpack Encore Bundle. I added Tailwind to it, no problem with that.

When I added Tailwind-Elements (TE) which adds some JS I had the following issue:

  • TE works when config/packages/webpack_encore.yml defer script attribute is set to true
  • But doesn't work when set to false

I can't set it to true because some other components (such as jQuery) don't work if defer set to true.

Any help would be much appreciated!


  • Finally managed to make it work!

    By default, only one js entrypoint is set (app.js). The solution for me was to:

    • Add another js entrypoint, (named it "defer_true_app.js")

    • Import tailwind-elements in this new js file

    • Add the entry in webpack.config.js:

        .addEntry('defer_true_app', './assets/defer_true_app.js')
    • config/packages/webpack_encore.yml defer var is still set to false

    • In my 'base.html.twig', I added in the {% block javascripts %} the defer_true entrypoint so it looks like this:

        {% block javascripts %}
            {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }}
            {{ encore_entry_script_tags('defer_true_app', attributes={ defer: true }) }}
        {% endblock %}
    •    npm run build

    And that's it!