I'm scratching my head on how to create this specific dynamic grid using CSS. I've been attempting it using CSS grid, but I'm curious if I should instead use Flexbox.
I'm attaching the desired adjustable layout below in a mock-up I created.
I'm attempting this in VueJS, and this is the code I have so far:
<script setup lang="ts">
const gridStyle = computed(() => {
const base = 'grid-auto-rows: minmax(0, 1fr); grid-auto-flow: column;'
if (visibleItems.value.length === 1) {
return 'grid-template-columns: 1fr; ' + base
} else if (visibleItems.value.length === 3) {
return 'grid-template-columns: 4fr 1fr; ' + base
} else {
return 'grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr 1fr; ' + base
const itemStyle = (item: iFrame, index: number) => {
const remainingItems = visibleItems.value.length - 2
if (index === 0 && !itemIsVisible(items.value[1])) {
return 'grid-row: span 4; grid-column: span 2; height: 100vh;'
} else if (index < 2 && items.value.indexOf(item) < 2) {
return 'grid-row: span 4; height: 100vh;'
} else if (remainingItems === 1) {
if (index === 1) {
return `grid-row: span 1; `
if (index === 2) {
return `grid-row: span 3; `
} else {
const rowsToSpan = Math.min(4, Math.floor(4 / Math.max(1, remainingItems)))
return `grid-row: span ${rowsToSpan};`
<div class="grid h-screen gap-0" :style="gridStyle">
v-for="(item, index) in visibleItems"
class="h-full w-full"
:style="itemStyle(item, index)"
This code has gotten me most of the way, but there are minor visual issues when I have two, three, four, and five items I'd love to sort out.
An alternative way of setting this up would be to use CSS grid-template-areas.
That way you have simple control of the layout for each number of items.
This snippet uses JS to find the number of items and CSS does the rest:
.grid {
display: grid;
width: 100vmin;
aspect-ratio: 16/ 9;
gap: 1vw;
.grid.n1 {
grid-template-areas: 'A';
.grid.n2 {
grid-template-areas: 'A A A A A B B';
.grid.n3 {
grid-template-areas: 'A A A A A B B' 'A A A A A C C' 'A A A A A C C' 'A A A A A C C';
.grid.n4 {
grid-template-areas: 'A A A B B C' 'A A A B B D' 'A A A B B D' 'A A A B B D';
.grid.n5 {
grid-template-areas: 'A A A B B C' 'A A A B B D' 'A A A B B E' 'A A A B B E';
.grid.n6 {
grid-template-areas: 'A A A B B C' 'A A A B B D' 'A A A B B E' 'A A A B B F';
.grid.n7 {
grid-template-areas: 'A A B B C C G' 'A A B B D D G' 'A A B B E E G' 'A A B B F F G';
.grid.n8 {
grid-template-areas: 'A A B B C C G' 'A A B B D D H' 'A A B B E E H' 'A A B B F F H';
.grid>* {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: gray;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.grid :nth-child(1) {
grid-area: A;
.grid :nth-child(2) {
grid-area: B;
.grid :nth-child(3) {
grid-area: C;
.grid :nth-child(4) {
grid-area: D;
.grid :nth-child(5) {
grid-area: E;
.grid :nth-child(6) {
grid-area: F;
.grid :nth-child(7) {
grid-area: G;
.grid :nth-child(8) {
grid-area: H;
<div class="grid">
const grid = document.querySelector('.grid');
const n = document.querySelectorAll('.grid > *').length;
grid.classList.add('n' + n);