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Why does 'total' not exist in the current context?

I am trying to print n to the power of p without using Math.Pow(). Here is the pseudocode:

get two integers n , p from the user

using a for-loop calculate the power function n ** p without using Math.Pow() method. output the result

using a while loop repeat the calculations output the result

using a do-while loop repeat the calculation output the result.

I have tried declaring the variables in numerous ways, and return total in the for loop.

using System;

public class Powers
    public static void Main()

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the base integer here:");
        int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.WriteLine("Enter exponent here:");
        int p = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        for (int total = 1, counter = 1; counter <= p; ++counter)
            total = total * n;          

        Console.Write($"{n} to the {p} power is {total}");


  • Variables defined in the for clause exist only inside of the for loop. If you want it to survive the loop, you have to define it outside:

            int total = 1;
            for (int counter = 1; counter <= p; ++counter)
                total = total * n;          
            Console.Write($"{n} to the {p} power is {total}");