I've got my pothos set up using Prisma and postgresql. I'm trying to expose the createdAt and updatedAt fields from prisma in my builder:
Prisma schema:
model Course {
id Int @id @unique @default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
// removed fields for brevity.
My builder:
builder.prismaObject('Course', {
fields: (t) => ({
id: t.exposeID('id'),
createdAt: t.expose('createdAt', {
type: 'DateTime' as any,
I have also tried this way:
builder.prismaObject('Course', {
fields: (t) => ({
id: t.exposeID('id'),
createdAt: t.expose('createdAt', {
type: Date, // simply set this as a Date type
These two ways causes the same/similar error:
- error node_modules/@pothos/core/esm/config-store.js (210:18) @ ConfigStore.onTypeConfig
- error Error [PothosSchemaError]: Ref DateTime has not been implemented
I've also tried this which works, but obviously hacky (I don't want to leave it this way):
// @ts-ignore
createdAt: t.exposeString('createdAt', {
type: Date
Figured it out. The fix is a bit long, but I had to add the following library:
npm i graphql-scalars
Builder.ts this may be very case specific, but this is how I set it up:
import { DateTimeResolver} from "graphql-scalars";
// ... other code you may have here
export const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{
PrismaTypes: PrismaTypes,
Context: ReturnType<typeof createContext>, // add the scalar type below
Scalars: {
Date: {
Input: Date;
Output: Date;
plugins: [PrismaPlugin, RelayPlugin, WithInputPlugin],
relayOptions: {},
prisma: {
client: prisma,
... other code
fields: (t) => ({
ok: t.boolean({
resolve: () => true,
// define your scalar type using the DateTimeResolver
builder.addScalarType("Date", DateTimeResolver, {});
Now you create your prisma object in whatever file you're adding the Date type field:
builder.prismaObject('Course', {
fields: (t) => ({
id: t.exposeID('id'),
Lesson: t.relation('lessons'),
createdAt: t.expose('createdAt', { // use the Date scalary type you defined here...
type: 'Date',
updatedAt: t.expose('updatedAt', {
type: 'Date',