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How to generate random string for all rows in postgres

I have foo table and would like to set bar column to a random string. I've got the following query:

update foo
set bar = select string_agg(substring('0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz', round(random() * 30)::integer, 1), '')
          from generate_series(1, 9);

But it generates the random string once and reuse it for all rows. How can I make it to generate one random string for each row?

I know I can make it a function like this:

create function generate_bar() returns text language sql as $$
  select string_agg(substring('0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz', round(random() * 30)::integer, 1), '')
  from generate_series(1, 9)

and then call the function in the update query. But I'd prefer to do it without a function.


  • The problem is that the Postgres optimizer is just too smart and deciding that it can execute the subquery only once for all rows. Well -- it is really missing something obvious -- the random() function makes the subquery volatile so this is not appropriate behavior.

    One way to get around this is to use a correlated subquery. Here is an example:

    update foo
        set bar = array_to_string(array(select string_agg(substring('0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz', round(random() * 30)::integer, 1), '')
                                        from generate_series(1, 9)
                                        where is distinct from 'something'
                                       ), '');

    Here is a db<>fiddle.