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failing to get the response error message in ktor

I'm trying to print the message returned from the post response request, when there is an error. So the message I get in postman, when I do a bad request is:

{"Error": "This email is already in use!"}

Then I get the body() of it as follows:

return kotlin.runCatching {
            val response = {

The expecting response is as follows:

data class UserPostResponse (
    val activation: Map<String, String>? = null,
    val error: Map<String, String>? = null

in my viewModel I launch that service and onFailure(which happens) I want to println(response.message). However, I'm getting the following error:

RESPONSE failed with exception: io.ktor.serialization.JsonConvertException: Illegal input: Unexpected JSON token at offset 9: Expected start of the object '{', but had ' ' instead at path: $.Error

please help!


  • Instead of waiting

    data class UserPostResponse (
        val activation: Map<String, String>? = null,
        val error: Map<String, String>? = null

    change the type from Map string -> String. The Json is already converting it to string