I'm currently using a 2 node elastic cluster on RHEL. Both nodes are data nodes and one eligible master nodes. Currently I have a script to find the process id of the elasticsearch process and killing it as a way of stopping the elasticsearch. Is there any other way of safely stopping one of the node while another one is running.
Elasticsearch version 6.2.1
There are two ways to stop your Elasticsearch node depending on how you're starting it.
If you're using service management functionality, you can simply issue a stop command for the elasticsearch service.
Otherwise, if you're running it in your terminal using bin/elasticsearch &
, you can simply store the PID in a temporary file that you can lookup when you want to stop the node down.
You start your node like this by storing the PID of the process in /tmp/elasticsearch-pid
./bin/elasticsearch -p /tmp/elasticsearch-pid -d
And then when you need to shut down the node, you can simply retrieve the PID from the temporary file and kill the process.
$ cat /tmp/elasticsearch-pid && echo
$ kill -SIGTERM 15516