I'm creating a library chart that will be used across over a dozen different deployments. Each has only one container, and in the container description I have the following definitions in some but not in others:
- image: hostname/imagename:versionNumber
**imagePullPolicy: Always** # only some charts list this
- containerPort: xxxx** # also not in every yaml file
I've gotten it to work with this in the library chart, but to have to re-use multiple times seems not very DRY.
{{ if .Values.container }}
{{ if .Values.container.port }}
ports: {{ .Values.container.port }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Is there an existing helm function that already has this functionality? If not, is there a way of writing a helper function, preferably 1 argument for clarity, that runs these if checks given the full path?
The absolute shortest path I can think of for this uses the dig
template function to extract a version from a nested path, combined with the with
block expression to assign its result to the .
special variable.
{{- with .Values | dig "container" "port" "" }}
ports: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
If you're going to do multiple lookups in the same dictionary, another useful technique is to extract it into a variable, substituting an empty dictionary for a nil
missing value.
{{- $containers := .Values.containers | default dict }}
{{- with $containers.port }}
ports: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
This can be a little tricky to do in a helper function, since you need to marshal multiple arguments into a single parameter and then the helper can only return a string. Your invocation would look something like
{{- with include "check-path" (list .Values "container" "port") }}
ports: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
which doesn't seem better than the preceding options.