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boost::phoenix with VS2008

Simple example using boost::phoenix:

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/phoenix.hpp>

namespace ph = boost::phoenix;
namespace place = boost::phoenix::placeholders;

struct A
    int val_;
    explicit A(int i) : val_(i) {}
    int foo() { return val_;}

int main()
    std::vector<A> coll;

    std::vector<A>::const_iterator cit;
    cit = std::find_if(coll.begin(), coll.end(), ph::bind(&A::foo, place::_1) % 2 == 1);
    int val = (*cit).val_;

    return 0;

It compiles but there are some warnings at the output of VS2008:

c:\boost_1_47_0\boost\phoenix\bind\detail\member_variable.hpp(54) : warning C4180: qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored

Where it came from: 1) incorrectness in code 2) again MS problems. 3) boost::phoenix library not doing well?


  • It looks like the Boost devs decided that they weren't going to workaround this, perhaps since it was determined to be an error on the part of the compiler. Here's a link:

    I think this is for general boost::bind(), but I'd bet that this probably won't be fixed. There's a workaround suggested in that ticket. You might try that (it just disables the warning).