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How to "Autowire" repository in JUnit 5 test

I don't understand yow to refer to my services/repositories in a JUnit 5 test. I'm trying to annotate it the same as I do my Main class which runs fine:

class TestMessageRepository {
    private MessageRepository messageRepository;

    void testFindAllEmpty() {

But it doesn't work when I run the test class I got an error Cannot invoke "com.cypherf.repository.MessageRepository.findAll()" because "this.messageRepository" is null. So how are you supposed to do it?

In my main class I have a static main method which instantiates an ApplicationContext then uses it to create a bean and run it:

public class TestSpringApplication {
    private MessageRepository messageRepository;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(TestSpringApplication.class);
        TestSpringApplication app = ctx.getBean(TestSpringApplication.class);;

    public void run(String... args) {

Isthat what I am supposed to do in every test class?


  • First , you have to use @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) to integrate spring testing framework with Junit5.

    Second , you have to use @ContextConfiguration to tell spring what are the configuration classes to use to bootstrap the spring context.

    Not guarantee it would solve all your problems , but combining these two should make your test at least can bootstrap the spring context and autowire MessageRepository into the test class :

    @ContextConfiguration(classes= TestSpringApplication.class)
    class TestMessageRepository {
        private MessageRepository messageRepository;
        void testFindAllEmpty() {