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Spring multiple beans: Are there other precedence annotations besides `@Primary`?

I will start by explaining my situation. Our applications are divided into a shared project (containing code for all projects) and the specific applications. In the shared project we have an interface together with its implementation

public interface Provider

public class ProviderImpl implements Provider

In some applications we need to change the default implementation, so we define another Bean

public class ApplicationProviderImpl implements Provider

I would like to remove the need to annotate every application-specific implementation with @Primary, so other developers can just provide theire bean implementations as failsafe as possible.

Are there other Annotations beside @Primary which decide which bean implementation is used? Qualifiers could help, but will make it more error-prone in my opinion.


  • Thanks to the comment from @XtremeBaumer I got a nice solution:

    // in shared project
    public class ProviderImpl implements Provider

    This basically results in the opposite of @Primary.