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Why does this error occur when manipulating datatable style in shiny?

I have not yet been able to create an example to reproduce this error. I am using DT v0.28, shiny v1.7.4, and bslib v0.4.2.9000.

This error appears when changing various aspects of the table: the way a column is added to the data frame being used by datatable() from DF$newColumn = ... to tibble::add_column, setting widths using columnDefs for 6 columns but not 5, and including .on("mouseenter", function() { ... in the callback when styling the export buttons.

Any suggestions to help me debug this?

Warning: Error in assign: variable names are limited to 10000 bytes
  43: assign
  42: wrapFunctionLabel
  41: bindEvent.Observer
  40: bindEvent
  39: %>%
  38: server [/Users/me/Documents/work/apps/interactive-volcano-plot/app.R#2535]
   1: runApp
Error in assign(name, func, environment()) : 
  variable names are limited to 10000 bytes


  • Solution: the problem seems to be unrelated to DT and something to do with large if blocks. The solution here resolved the error. I'm curious if anyone knows what the underlying issue is.