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Should I use OVal (Object Validation Framework) even if it requires AspectJ or not?

I have a Java Maven project which is developed by multiple people.

As I really like doing JUnit Tests and the like, the concept of OVal intrigues me because I can write code like:

private String name

However the disadvantage is that:

  • everyone now has to install the AspectJ plugin to his Eclipse
  • at least for me that gives me an error at each startup (which I can click away but it is still annoying)
  • I guess AspectJ slows everything down

So is it worth it and is there an alternative where I don't need AspectJ?

P.S.: This is the error I get in Eclipse: screenshot

And this is the head of the method getCommonProperties() that it seems to have problems with:

public static LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> getCommonProperties
    @NotEmpty @NotNull String endpoint,
    @NotEmpty @NotNull String where,
    @Range(min=0, max=1) Double threshold,
    @Min(1) Integer maxResultSize,
    @Min(1) Integer sampleSize


  • OVal does not require the usage of AspectJ per se. Only if you want to use it for programming-by-contract, e.g. automatic method parameter validation. If you do not want to use AspectJ you can use Spring AOP as an alternative to enable method parameter validation of Spring managed services, see