Hi all, new to javascript and trying to build a psychological experiment using the tools from the jsPsych
(v7.0) library. I built most of what I needed but I'm having a hell of a hard time getting branching logic or conditional filtering to work.
Specifically, I need participants to consent or not consent to study procedures. If they do not consent, they need to be branched to see one message and if they do consent, they need to see another.
I've generated a simplified version for replication (See Below)
I initially thought indexing the value generated by the consent event would be the easiest solution, but I cannot seem to index or reference data from a previous trial. Almost every time, the value that I index appears as [object Object]
, even though, when I export the data object and look at the thing I think I'm indexing, the '0' value that I expect to see from consenting is there. The code included below is my latest attempt in which I simply try to store the value from the last trial within the response
column using the var consented = jsPsych.data.get().last(1).select('response')
command. Why isn't this working? My script as I have it below never meets the conditional statement consented == '0'
and always outputs the branch under else
I'd be open to other branching solutions besides indexing the value of a previous trial if anyone has any.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- Experiment Title -->
<!-- Loading in libraries -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/jspsych@7.3.3"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@jspsych/plugin-html-keyboard-response@1.1.2"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@jspsych/plugin-html-button-response@1.1.2"></script>
<link href="https://unpkg.com/jspsych@7.3.3/css/jspsych.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- Determing general page style parameters -->
<body style="background-color: rgb(200, 200, 200);">
// Initiating jsPsych
var jsPsych = initJsPsych();
// Creating an empty array which will act as our timeline
var timeline = [];
// | - - - - - Consent - - - - - -|
// Giving a simple consent event, in which participants select one of two buttons (values corresponding to '0' and '1'. from left to right)
var consent = {
type: jsPsychHtmlButtonResponse,
stimulus: 'Consent Information',
choices: ['I consent to participanting<br>in this study',
'I do not consent to participating<br>in this study'],
data: {task: 'Consent'},
// Adding the consent event to the timeline
// (Theoretically) saving the output value of the consent event to a variable named 'consented'
var consented = jsPsych.data.get().last(1).select('response')
// I used this as a means of viewing the consent output value to check if the previous argument worked. This has always output [object Oject] and I don't know if I'm indexing wrong or I can't view the value of an index in this way, or something about indexing in this way corrupts the value.
// var test = {
// type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
// stimulus: consented,
// choices: [' '],
// data: {task: 'Instruction'},
// };
// timeline.push(test);
// If the participant consents ...
if (consented == '0'){
// ... then show this message below.
var instr_Consented = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: 'You consented!',
choices: [' '],
data: {task: 'Instruction'},
// ... but if the person doesn't consent...
else {
// ... show this message instead.
var instr_Consented = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: 'You did not consent!',
choices: [' '],
data: {task: 'Instruction'},
// Executing the timeline
The example code doesn't work because the experiment hasn't been run yet when you get to the if(consented == 0)
conditional, so consented
doesn't reflect the actual response of the subject. jsPsych.run()
is called after the timeline is built.
You can use a conditional timeline to achieve this instead.
const consented_timeline = {
timeline: [instr_Consented],
conditional_function: () => {
var consented = jsPsych.data.get().last(1).select('response')
return consented == '0'
const not_consented_timeline = {
timeline: [instr_NotConsented],
conditional_function: () => {
var consented = jsPsych.data.get().last(1).select('response')
return consented != '0'
timeline.push(consented_timeline, not_consented_timeline);
You may want to modify how the consented variable is retrieved from the data, since .last(1)
is not quite as robust in this case (e.g., the second conditional timeline may be checked after the first has already run, so the last trial would not be the consent trial anymore). I'd recommend using .filter()
to select the specific consent trial.