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How to access the response headers with Nuxt 3's useFetch?

I am migrating a Nuxt2 that uses Axios to a Nuxt3 App that uses useFetch.

This following code accesse the response's header:

$axios.get(url, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).then((response) => {
    const responseFilename = response?.headers?.['content-disposition']?.match(/filename="([\w\d_\-.]*)"/)?.[1];
    const blob = new Blob([], {
        type: ?? response.headers?.['content-type'],

How do I achieve this with useFetch ? All I get is { data, pending, error, refresh, status } 🤔


  • You can get the response headers using the onResponse interceptor.

    await useFetch('/api/', {
        onResponse(context) {
            // Output all available response headers
            // Get the specific response header, e.g. authorization

    It will output the list of available headers in your terminal.

    Tested and it works.

    Edit: Get the header data from the interceptor

    <script lang="ts" setup>
    const authorizationHeader = ref<string | null>(null)
    await useFetch('/api/test', {
      onResponse (context) {
        authorizationHeader.value = context.response.headers.get('authorization')
        {{ authorizationHeader }}
    <style scoped lang="css"></style>