I wanted to get some advice on implementing the following but in R's quarto using css/scss. My background is not in js
, css
or scss
but I have managed to download and install the impress.js
files and get it working locally. It doesn't seem difficult to modify / edit for a standalone presentation but I was hoping to try and find a way to introduce data, interactively etc. into such a presentation.
Here is a link to the ìmpressjs
Heres the github
Would it be possible to copy over the css/js files and use it in a quarto environment?
Here is a minimal example of a Quarto file that works with impress.js
. Make sure that your .qmd
file is in a folder with the "js" and "css" impress.js
source files.
This example makes use of the pandoc extension fenced_divs
, which is used by default in Quarto. It allows to define HTML <div>
s by inserting fenced :::
format: html
editor: visual
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/impress-common.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/impress-demo.css">
::: {#impress}
::: {#myFirstSlide .step .slide}
# My first slide
::: {#my2ndSlide .step data-x="1000" data-y="1000" data-z="-1000" data-scale="2" data-rotate-z="90"}
# Powerful, but simple blah
<script src="js/impress.js"></script>
EDIT: I created an impress.js Quarto format extension: Github.