My problem:
I am trying to get indices information:
I am able to get some of that information via GetIndexResponse
mentioned below. Which holds alias, mapping and setting objects. However none of them have IndexDocumentCount
and IndexSize
. How to get that info using ReactiveElasticSearchClient
I know there is a curl call which holds everything I need, but I thought there are posibilities using spring boot elastic built in java objects?
I am using:
ELK : 7.17
Spring boot: spring-data-elasticsearch 5.1.3
ReactiveElasticsearchIndicesClient indices = reactiveElasticsearchClient.indices();
Mono<GetIndexResponse> getIndexResponseMono = indices.get(new GetIndexRequest.Builder().index("*").build());
GetIndexResponse block = getIndexResponseMono.block();
You need to use ReactiveElasticsearchIndicesClient.stats(IndicesStatsRequest)
to get the information about index statistics.
btw, using Spring Data Elasticsearch 5.1 against Elasticsearch is not tested.