In my Jenkins pipeline I am trying to create a zip file from my project folder, based on the version number. For this I am extracting the version number from a toml file and storing in a variable, but while printing that variable (in Zip stage), its showing "${version}".
I believe either I am not storing the value properly or not printing properly.
My groovy script is:
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(description: 'Enter the git branch to be built', name: 'branch', defaultValue: 'master', trim: true)
choice(choices: 'Build\nPromote', description: 'Select the branch to build', name: 'runtype')
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
script {
if ( params.branch == '') {
echo "Building commit with Tag: master"
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branch: '${params.branch}', extensions: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'Aiman_Sarosh_cred', url: 'https://mygit.server/myproject.git']]])
echo "Built at path: ${WORKSPACE}"
sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
else {
echo "Building commit with Tag: ${params.branch}"
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branch: '${params.branch}', extensions: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'Aiman_Sarosh_cred', url: 'https://mygit.server/myproject.git']]])
echo "Built at path: ${WORKSPACE}"
sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
stage('Zip') {
steps {
script {
version=sh 'grep -m 1 version_number ${WORKSPACE}/ComponentInfo.toml | tr -s \' \' | tr -d \'"\' | tr -d "\'" | cut -d\' \' -f3'
echo 'Version: ${version}'
And the output is
17:05:05 [Pipeline] stage
17:05:05 [Pipeline] { (Zip)
17:05:05 [Pipeline] script
17:05:05 [Pipeline] {
17:05:06 [Pipeline] sh
17:05:07 + grep -m 1 version_number /apps/external/5/jenkins-node-home/workspace/APPL004316/APIN004621/myproject/ComponentInfo.toml
17:05:07 + tr -s ' '
17:05:07 + tr -d '"'
17:05:07 + tr -d ''\'''
17:05:07 + cut '-d ' -f3
17:05:07 0.1.29
17:05:07 [Pipeline] echo
17:05:07 Version: ${version}
17:05:07 [Pipeline] }
17:05:07 [Pipeline] // script
17:05:07 [Pipeline] }
17:05:07 [Pipeline] // stage
17:05:07 [Pipeline] }
17:05:07 [Pipeline] // node
17:05:07 [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
17:05:07 Finished: SUCCESS
step doesn’t return command output by default, you need to call it with returnStdout: true
parameter. And since you will be using more than one parameter you need to name them all:
def version = sh script: 'your command’, returnStdout: true