I wonder whether I could initialze a final field in an abstract base class with the result of an abtract method, which would be implemented by the derived class. I understand that derived ctor would call base ctor first, so I guarantee that the abtract method implementation would also depend only on defined-on-declaration final fields of the derived class. I try the following code and it seems working.
abstract class Base {
protected final String name = calName();
protected abstract String calName();
public final class Foo extends Base {
private final String id = "42";
protected String calName() {
return String.format("WithId%s", id);
public void display() {
System.out.printf("name: %s\n", name);
System.out.printf("id: %s\n", id);
public static void main(String[] args) {
var foo = new Foo();
So is this a legit action in java, or is it a very bad idea?
No, it is not ok.
Call to abstract method (as well as any kind of overridable method) during object construction is a bad idea.
Such calls may result in subtle bugs, as object initialization may happen before the method call.