I have an asp.net core project with Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 8.2.3 on top of Entity Framework Core. My entities are Order and Customer which have a relation.
I can successfully load my Orders with the customer data with the url
But this will give me all Order and Customer fields. I can successfully limit the Order fields if I add a $select=Id,Orderno
but I will still get all Customer fields. According to learn.microsoft.com it should be possible to write
but I get an exception result
"error": {
"code": "",
"message": "The query specified in the URI is not valid. Found a path with multiple navigation properties or a bad complex property path in a select clause. Please reword your query such that each level of select or expand only contains either TypeSegments or Properties.",
"details": [],
"innererror": {
"message": "Found a path with multiple navigation properties or a bad complex property path in a select clause. Please reword your query such that each level of select or expand only contains either TypeSegments or Properties.",
"type": "Microsoft.OData.ODataException",
"stacktrace": " at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.SelectExpandBinder.ProcessSelectTokenPath(PathSegmentToken tokenIn)\r\n at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.SelectExpandBinder.GenerateSelectItem(SelectTermToken tokenIn)\r\n at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.SelectExpandBinder.Bind(ExpandToken expandToken, SelectToken selectToken)\r\n at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.SelectExpandSemanticBinder.Bind(ODataPathInfo odataPathInfo, ExpandToken expandToken, SelectToken selectToken, ODataUriParserConfiguration configuration, BindingState state)\r\n at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.ODataQueryOptionParser.ParseSelectAndExpandImplementation(String select, String expand, ODataUriParserConfiguration configuration, ODataPathInfo odataPathInfo)\r\n at Microsoft.OData.UriParser.ODataQueryOptionParser.ParseSelectAndExpand()\r\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Query.Validator.SelectExpandQueryValidator.Validate(SelectExpandQueryOption selectExpandQueryOption, ODataValidationSettings validationSettings)\r\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Query.Validator.ODataQueryValidator.Validate(ODataQueryOptions options, ODataValidationSettings validationSettings)\r\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Query.EnableQueryAttribute.ValidateQuery(HttpRequest request, ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)\r\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Query.EnableQueryAttribute.OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext actionExecutingContext)"
I also tried escaping the slash which doesn't work either
How do I have to rewrite the url to only get desired fields from the customer?
I would use nested $select
inside the $expand