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Finding Grafana credentials when installed using prometheus-community operatorat prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

I was trying to login to Grafana deployed using using the credentials admin:admin but it was failing.

I found out the correct credentials to login to Grafana from the secret grafana which is admin:prom-operator To see from where this value is getting injected to the secret I went to the template files and values.yaml files available at

The secret files is written as:

{{- if or (and (not .Values.admin.existingSecret) (not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD__FILE) (not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD) (not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_DISABLE_INITIAL_ADMIN_CREATION)) (and .Values.ldap.enabled (not .Values.ldap.existingSecret)) }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: {{ include "grafana.fullname" . }}
  namespace: {{ include "grafana.namespace" . }}
    {{- include "grafana.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
  {{- with .Values.annotations }}
    {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
  {{- end }}
type: Opaque
  {{- if and (not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_DISABLE_INITIAL_ADMIN_CREATION) (not .Values.admin.existingSecret) (not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD__FILE) (not .Values.env.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD) }}
  admin-user: {{ .Values.adminUser | b64enc | quote }}
  {{- if .Values.adminPassword }}
  admin-password: {{ .Values.adminPassword | b64enc | quote }}
  {{- else }}
  admin-password: {{ include "grafana.password" . }}
  {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
  {{- if not .Values.ldap.existingSecret }}
  ldap-toml: {{ tpl .Values.ldap.config $ | b64enc | quote }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}

and part of the values.yaml file is written as

# Administrator credentials when not using an existing secret (see below)
adminUser: admin
# adminPassword: strongpassword

# Use an existing secret for the admin user.
  ## Name of the secret. Can be templated.
  existingSecret: ""
  userKey: admin-user
  passwordKey: admin-password

and the _helpers.tml contains

Looks if there's an existing secret and reuse its password. If not it generates
new password and use it.
{{- define "grafana.password" -}}
{{- $secret := (lookup "v1" "Secret" (include "grafana.namespace" .) (include "grafana.fullname" .) ) }}
{{- if $secret }}
{{- index $secret "data" "admin-password" }}
{{- else }}
{{- (randAlphaNum 40) | b64enc | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

which looks to me like the admin-password value is coming from the secret as it's not a random alphanumeric. This seems like a loop to me. Could you please explain to me how the default password value prom-operator is getting injected to the secret in the key admin-password?


  • tl;dr: Value is set in kube-prometheus-stack values as grafana.adminPassword and passed to grafana subchart

    kube-prometheus-stack uses the the grafana chart as a depencency, so you have to take a look at both those values.yaml files.

    In kube-prometheus-stack, there's a value for grafana.adminPassword set per default:

    This is passed down to grafana where it's referenced as .Values.adminPassword (see

    The grafana chart prefers this value over generating a random password with the helper block you listed. As it is passed from the parent chart kube-prometheus-stack and not empty, this value is used.

      {{- if .Values.adminPassword }}
      admin-password: {{ .Values.adminPassword | b64enc | quote }}
      {{- else }}
      admin-password: {{ include "grafana.password" . }}
      {{- end }}