I am using vue3-sfc-loader (https://github.com/FranckFreiburger/vue3-sfc-loader) to register and load .vue components that works fine:
sample 1
<div id="app">
const app = Vue.createApp({});
app.component('ae-studio', loadVM("/components/aeStudio.vue"));
const vueInstance = app.mount("#app");
sample 2
append studio header
<table style="width:100%;">
<td style="width:50%">
<td style="width:50%">
app.component('ae-nav', loadVM("/components/aeNav.vue"));
app.component('ae-docsview', loadVM("/components/aeDocsview.vue"));
they are working but I need to dynamically add a component to the page like this :
<button @click="show('this is a message')">Click to add Component here</button>
<div id="comPlace">A place for new component</div>
app.component('ae-test', loadVM("/components/aeTest.vue"));
export default {
setup(props) {
return {
show: (msg) => {
let cPlace = document.getElementById("comPlace");
let a = app.component('ae-test', loadVM("/components/aeTest.vue"));
Above code is not working. I tried forceUpdate but the issue not resolve. How can I resolve this? I created a repository on github that you can use it for tracking the issue.
You can use component
in vue 3
const { loadModule, vueVersion } = window["vue3-sfc-loader"];
console.log("vueVersion", vueVersion);
const options = {
moduleCache: {
vue: Vue
getFile(url) {
return fetch(url).then((response) =>
response.ok ? response.text() : Promise.reject(response)
addStyle(styleStr) {},
log(type, ...args) {
console.log(type, ...args);
window.loadVM = async (path) => {
return loadModule(path, options);
and you can use Vue.defineAsyncComponent
<button @click="() => showTestOneComponent('this is a message')">
Click to add test here
<button @click="() => show2TestOneComponent('this is a test2 component')">
Click to add test2 here
<div id="comPlace">
<component :is="dynamicComponent" :title="title" />
import { ref } from "vue";
export default {
setup(props) {
const dynamicComponent = ref();
const title = ref();
const showTestOneComponent = async (msg) => {
dynamicComponent.value = Vue.defineAsyncComponent(() =>
title.value = msg;
const show2TestOneComponent = async (msg) => {
dynamicComponent.value = Vue.defineAsyncComponent(() =>
title.value = msg;
return {