In gnuplot, I want to plot with x-ticks as [0,1,2,...] and y-ticks as [0,2,4,...], but I also want the tick on both axes to have the same length to make the plot look nicer. I tried
set size ratio 1
set xtics 0,1,6
set ytics 0,2,10
But that does not work. How could I do that?
An example plot is below (source: Computational Plasticity, de Souza Neto)
In your example you have 5 units in y-direction and 6 units in x-direction. In order to give them the same visual length you need to set:
set size ratio 5./6. # decimal point to avoid gnuplot's integer division
Check help size
### set aspect ratio
reset session
set size ratio 5./6.
set xrange[0:6]
set xtics 1
set yrange[0:10]
set ytics 2
set grid x,y
plot x**2
### end of script