Search code examples

how to contourplot inside a do-loop with different contour levels at each loop

I've got three meteo entries in a file; then, a 4th entry which is the date, in seconds since Jan 1 1970, in which the previous three entries have been simultaneously encountered. The dates encompass the period from July 2022 to October 2024.

I need to contourplot them by month: that is, for each month of that whole period, I should contouplot the first three rows (x-y-z) of the file.

If I just contourplot any month of that July-2022-to-October-2024 span, everything goes well. I can even tune the contour levels so they fit best the range of those 3 meteo parameters in that particular month.

Now if I do the same but inside a do-loop that goes from July 2022 to October 2024, month by month, I get an error message: "expecting discrete level" (with gnuplot 6.1)

If I remove the two do-loops and I substitute them for just any value of the loop variables, everything works to perfection.

My datafile "datos.txt" (reduced) is this:

 5.3     33  0.5     1695735900
 5.3     33.1    0.6     1659030300
 5.3     34  0.5     1663335900
 5.3     34.1    0.7     1684682100
 5.3     36  1   1691343900
 5.3     37  1   1690904700
 5.3     38  0   1675872900
 5.3     38.1    0.2     1667573100
 5.3     39  0.4     1678191300
 5.3     40  0.6     1664639100
 5.3     40.1    1.1     1715868900
 5.3     40.2    0.3     1704978900
 5.3     41  0.7     1683558900
 5.3     41.1    0.7     1727183700
 5.3     41.2    0.6     1727358300
 5.3     42  0.4     1697373900
 5.3     42.1    0.9     1717150500
 5.3     42.2    0.1     1700633700
 5.3     43  0.6     1683562500
 5.3     45  0.4     1681389900
 5.3     47  0.6     1683114300
 5.3     48  0.2     1704802500
 5.3     49  0.2     1700613900
 5.3     49.1    0   1677512700
 5.3     49.2    0.2     1705668300
 5.3     50  0   1677613500
 5.3     50.1    0.3     1709207100
 5.3     50.2    0.2     1669823100
 5.3     51  0.3     1673268300
 5.3     51.1    0.2     1698770700
 5.3     51.2    0.3     1698416100
 5.3     52  0.7     1695392100
 5.3     52.1    0.5     1678279500
 5.3     56  0.2     1669729500
 5.3     56.1    0.2     1727388900
 5.3     56.2    0.5     1684235700
 5.3     59  0   1677483900
 5.3     59.1    0   1698390900
 5.3     63  0.1     1702498500
 5.3     67  0   1677401100
 5.3     80  0   1699148700
 5.4     17  1.1     1689774300
 5.4     17.1    1   1658594700
 5.4     17.2    0.6     1692630900
 5.4     19  0.6     1680617700
 5.4     22  0.5     1680536700
 5.4     23  0.6     1694097900
 5.4     23.1    0.8     1687614300
 5.4     24  0.5     1680540300
 5.4     25  0.4     1680543900
 5.4     26  0.3     1680606900
 5.4     26.1    0.5     1694087100
 5.4     26.2    0.8     1658600100
 5.4     27  0   1675682100
 5.4     27.1    0.5     1687603500
 5.4     27.2    0.6     1663758900
 5.4     27.3    0.5     1663767900
 5.4     27.4    0.6     1685360700
 5.4     27.5    0.6     1685447100
 5.4     28  0.5     1659878100
 5.4     28.1    0.3     1700750700
 5.4     30  0.6     1712846700
 5.4     30.1    0.6     1695654900
 5.4     30.2    0.6     1685376900
 5.4     31  0   1675775700
 5.4     32  0.5     1715271300
 5.4     32.1    0.5     1712850300
 5.4     34  0.5     1680515100
 5.4     34.1    0.6     1684685700
 5.4     34.2    0   1675959300
 5.4     34.3    1.1     1690728300
 5.4     34.4    0.1     1705013100
 5.4     35  0.1     1705011300
 5.4     35.1    0.4     1680974100
 5.4     36  0.3     1680435900
 5.4     37  0.4     1681638300
 5.4     38  0.2     1693953900
 5.4     38.1    0.4     1682867700
 5.4     38.2    1.1     1690735500
 5.4     38.3    1   1713271500
 5.4     39  0.3     1704980700
 5.4     39.1    0.5     1684406700
 5.4     39.2    0   1675935900
 5.4     39.3    0.2     1699020900
 5.4     39.4    0.3     1659863700
 5.4     40  0.6     1727518500
 5.4     40.1    0.7     1724168700
 5.4     41  0.4     1664284500
 5.4     41.1    0.1     1700676900
 5.4     41.2    0.5     1726569900
 5.4     42  0.2     1700657100
 5.4     42.1    0.5     1683132300
 5.4     42.2    0.3     1697471100
 5.4     43  0.8     1686150900
 5.4     43.1    0.4     1695550500
 5.4     43.2    0.6     1711642500
 5.4     43.3    0.2     1700631900
 5.4     44  0.4     1695552300
 5.4     45  0.4     1684331100
 5.4     45.1    0.3     1669902300
 5.4     45.2    0.2     1669805100
 5.4     47  0.1     1705711500
 5.4     47.1    0.2     1669814100
 5.4     48  0.7     1695384900
 5.4     48.1    0.4     1684336500
 5.4     49  0.4     1684332900
 5.4     49.1    0.5     1683110700
 5.4     49.2    0.3     1709212500
 5.4     50  0.6     1683108900
 5.4     50.1    0   1677611700
 5.4     50.2    0.2     1704899700
 5.4     51  1.3     1663253100
 5.4     51.1    0.4     1663258500
 5.4     52  0.5     1683022500
 5.4     52.1    0.4     1682945100
 5.4     52.2    0.6     1715874300
 5.4     52.3    0   1677438900
 5.4     54  0.2     1726155900
 5.4     55  0.2     1678445100
 5.4     55.1    0   1677433500
 5.4     55.2    0.4     1710065700
 5.4     56  0.1     1699217100
 5.4     56.1    0.3     1663262100
 5.4     57  0.2     1701526500
 5.4     58  0.2     1698929100
 5.4     59  0.4     1678457700
 5.4     60  0.4     1684239300
 5.5     12  0.4     1679939100
 5.5     13  0.3     1700919900
 5.5     18  0.5     1657300500
 5.5     20  0.6     1660139100
 5.5     22  0.5     1657282500
 5.5     22.1    0.6     1694099700
 5.5     24  1.1     1656868500
 5.5     24.1    0.6     1687612500
 5.5     24.2    0.6     1715345100
 5.5     25  0.5     1694018700
 5.5     25.1    0.8     1715350500
 5.5     25.2    0.6     1693932300
 5.5     26  0.7     1685364300
 5.5     26.1    0.6     1694006100
 5.5     27  0.6     1687601700
 5.5     28  0.2     1700745300
 5.5     28.1    0.6     1685459700
 5.5     28.2    0.6     1685450700
 5.5     28.3    0   1675779300
 5.5     29  0.7     1685456100
 5.5     29.1    0.1     1700752500
 5.5     30  1.2     1718374500
 5.5     30.1    0.6     1723578300
 5.5     31  0.5     1680516900
 5.5     32  0.7     1712065500
 5.5     32.1    1.4     1693235700
 5.5     32.2    1   1690292700
 5.5     32.3    0.4     1698506100
 5.5     33  0.4     1659192300
 5.5     33.1    0.5     1726236900
 5.5     36  0.3     1681636500
 5.5     37  0.2     1702737900
 5.5     37.1    0.5     1682862300
 5.5     38  0.4     1662718500
 5.5     38.1    0   1675768500
 5.5     39  0.1     1699271100
 5.5     39.1    0.8     1713267900
 5.5     40  0.5     1663343100
 5.5     40.1    0   1675856700
 5.5     41  0.5     1695725100
 5.5     41.1    0.5     1664288100
 5.5     41.2    0.8     1716399900
 5.5     41.3    0.6     1683130500
 5.5     41.4    0.1     1700675100
 5.5     42  0.4     1726836300
 5.5     44  0.1     1700639100
 5.5     44.1    0.9     1714749300
 5.5     45  -0.2    1701483300
 5.5     46  0.1     1699001100
 5.5     46.1    0.1     1704748500
 5.5     47  0.2     1709203500
 5.5     47.1    0.5     1664466300
 5.5     47.2    0.4     1678284900
 5.5     48  0.5     1683112500
 5.5     49  0.9     1686329100
 5.5     49.1    0.5     1726152300
 5.5     49.2    0.4     1684341900
 5.5     50  0.4     1709210700
 5.5     51  0.2     1705689900
 5.5     53  0   1677626100
 5.5     53.1    0.5     1683105300
 5.5     54  0.1     1669830300
 5.5     54.1    0.1     1729439100
 5.5     55  0.4     1684323900
 5.5     58  0.3     1684246500
 5.5     61  0.1     1704338100
 5.5     63  0.2     1704330900
 5.5     66  0.1     1698986700
 5.5     66.1    0.4     1663406100
 5.5     69  0   1699163100
 5.5     70  0   1677417300
 5.5     70.1    0   1677415500
 5.5     70.2    0   1699141500
 5.6     18  1.1     1658596500
 5.6     20  0.6     1680696900
 5.6     21  1.1     1690037100
 5.6     22  1   1690038900
 5.6     23  0.5     1678891500
 5.6     25  0.6     1687608900
 5.6     25.1    0.6     1715343300
 5.6     25.2    0   1675712700
 5.6     26  0.5     1663769700
 5.6     26.1    0   1675683900
 5.6     27  0   1675781100
 5.6     27.1    0   1675685700
 5.6     27.2    0.6     1693831500
 5.6     28  0.5     1694000700
 5.6     28.1    0.7     1685452500
 5.6     28.2    0.5     1680608700
 5.6     28.3    0.2     1700748900
 5.6     29  0.5     1659876300
 5.6     29.1    0.3     1705761900
 5.6     30  0.8     1662740100
 5.6     30.1    0   1675714500
 5.6     30.2    0.5     1662723900
 5.6     32  0.6     1685540700
 5.6     32.1    0.7     1663334100
 5.6     33  0.4     1698504300
 5.6     33.1    0.6     1684683900
 5.6     33.2    0   1675943100
 5.6     33.3    1   1690301700
 5.6     34  0.2     1680565500
 5.6     34.1    0.4     1681640100
 5.6     34.2    0.5     1662720300
 5.6     35  1.4     1693237500
 5.6     37  1.2     1717166700
 5.6     38  0.7     1681382700
 5.6     38.1    0.8     1713273300
 5.6     39  0.3     1697462100
 5.6     39.1    0.3     1680509700
 5.6     39.2    1.1     1691342100
 5.6     39.3    1.1     1691340300
 5.6     40  0.4     1697465700
 5.6     40.1    0.3     1697463900
 5.6     40.2    0.5     1684424700
 5.6     40.3    0.3     1677860100
 5.6     40.4    0   1675858500
 5.6     40.5    0   1704986100
 5.6     41  0.3     1713635100
 5.6     41.1    0.2     1659825900
 5.6     41.2    0.6     1683557100
 5.6     42  0.6     1683123300
 5.6     42.1    0.2     1700653500
 5.6     42.2    0.5     1682849700
 5.6     43  1.2     1727352900
 5.6     44  0.3     1664280900
 5.6     44.1    0.8     1716306300
 5.6     44.2    0.6     1727180100
 5.6     45  0.3     1669810500
 5.6     45.1    0.3     1669900500
 5.6     47  0.3     1698749100
 5.6     47.1    0.5     1697814900
 5.6     49  0.2     1704896100
 5.6     50  0.2     1704897900
 5.6     51  -0.1    1708692300
 5.6     52  0   1677554100
 5.6     53  0.3     1726148700
 5.6     55  0.1     1699213500
 5.6     55.1    0.3     1726146900
 5.6     55.2    0.1     1699215300
 5.6     56  0.1     1698932700
 5.6     56.1    0.2     1709140500
 5.6     56.2    0.1     1698396300
 5.6     60  0.1     1663416900
 5.6     60.1    0   1697777100
 5.7     11  0.5     1679935500
 5.7     21  0.4     1713357900
 5.7     25  0.5     1694088900
 5.7     25.1    0.6     1693916100
 5.7     26  0   1675782900
 5.7     28  0.7     1685373300
 5.7     28.1    0.5     1680522300
 5.7     28.2    0.6     1695816900
 5.7     29  0.3     1680599700
 5.7     29.1    0.5     1695829500
 5.7     30  0.7     1685538900
 5.7     32  0   1675773900
 5.7     33  0.4     1712853900
 5.7     33.1    0.2     1680567300
 5.7     33.2    0.5     1685544300
 5.7     33.3    1.1     1719074700
 5.7     34  0.3     1698500700
 5.7     34.1    0.3     1657228500
 5.7     34.2    0.6     1715262300
 5.7     35  0.8     1690308900
 5.7     36  0.2     1681114500
 5.7     37  0.9     1713269700
 5.7     37.1    0.6     1688658300
 5.7     38  0.3     1680439500
 5.7     39  0.4     1695636900
 5.7     39.1    0.3     1677858300
 5.7     40  0.2     1704984300
 5.7     41  0.4     1678898700
 5.7     41.1    0.4     1678031100
 5.7     41.2    0.5     1726571700
 5.7     42  0.4     1726577100
 5.7     42.1    0.2     1700655300
 5.7     43  0.2     1700648100
 5.7     43.1    0.1     1711649700
 5.7     44  0.4     1684401300
 5.7     44.1    0.2     1700637300
 5.7     44.2    1   1682343900
 5.7     48  0.2     1677766500
 5.7     48.1    0.1     1700885700
 5.7     48.2    0.2     1669821300
 5.7     49  0.2     1699179300
 5.7     49.1    0.3     1677762900
 5.7     49.2    0.3     1704714300
 5.7     50  0.3     1684340100
 5.7     51  0.3     1698763500
 5.7     52  0   1677624300
 5.7     52.1    0.2     1678446900
 5.7     52.2    0.4     1726143300
 5.7     54  0.4     1726667100
 5.7     55  0.1     1669828500
 5.7     58  0   1677429900
 5.7     58.1    0.3     1710063900
 5.7     59  0.3     1678455900
 5.7     72  -0.4    1698959700
 5.7     72.1    0.1     1701488700
 5.7     73  0   1699161300
 5.7     77  0   1699159500
 5.8     22  0.6     1681654500
 5.8     23  0.6     1693919700
 5.8     24  0.4     1678893300
 5.8     25  0.5     1663771500
 5.8     25.1    0.6     1694007900
 5.8     26  0.5     1694085300
 5.8     27  0.7     1685448900
 5.8     28  0.8     1685457900
 5.8     28.1    0   1675687500
 5.8     28.2    0.3     1700747100
 5.8     30  0.4     1681643700
 5.8     31  1   1690305300
 5.8     32  0.1     1702703700
 5.8     32.1    0   1675952100
 5.8     32.2    0.6     1695737700
 5.8     34  0.6     1684680300
 5.8     35  0.9     1716389100
 5.8     36  0.2     1699274700
 5.8     36.1    0.3     1698498900
 5.8     36.2    0.6     1715255100
 5.8     36.3    0.4     1724766300
 5.8     37  0.5     1682864100
 5.8     38  0.5     1663325100
 5.8     39  0   1675860300
 5.8     39.1    0.5     1715251500
 5.8     40  0.5     1682851500
 5.8     41  1   1716657300
 5.8     43  0.4     1726578900
 5.8     43.1    0.5     1678027500
 5.8     43.2    0.9     1716309900
 5.8     44  0.3     1659431700
 5.8     45  0.1     1705713300
 5.8     47  0.3     1660760100
 5.8     48  0.4     1716318900
 5.8     48.1    0.4     1678034700
 5.8     49  0   1677510900
 5.8     49.1    0   1677462300
 5.8     50  0   1677609900
 5.8     52  0.2     1664275500
 5.8     52.1    0.4     1682946900
 5.8     53  0.2     1673271900
 5.8     53.1    0   1677573900
 5.8     53.2    0.3     1683099900
 5.8     54  0   1697786100
 5.8     56  0.5     1682327700
 5.8     58  0.4     1715881500
 5.8     60  -0.5    1660337100
 5.8     60.1    0.4     1684241100
 5.8     64  0.2     1713638700
 5.8     65  0.3     1711617300
 5.8     71  0   1677411900
 5.8     73  -0.6    1728567900
 5.9     26  0   1675691100
 5.9     27  0.7     1694004300
 5.9     29  0.5     1659879900
 5.9     31  0.2     1699276500
 5.9     31.1    0.1     1702701900
 5.9     32  1.5     1693233900
 5.9     32.1    1.2     1691334900
 5.9     32.2    0.6     1662722100
 5.9     33  0   1675955700
 5.9     33.1    0.6     1685542500
 5.9     34  0.6     1684674900
 5.9     34.1    0.4     1712852100
 5.9     34.2    0.5     1684676700
 5.9     34.3    0.4     1726235100
 5.9     34.4    0   1675957500
 5.9     35  0.9     1690290900
 5.9     35.1    0.6     1682088300
 5.9     36  1.1     1690901100
 5.9     39  0.2     1704982500
 5.9     40  0.6     1727185500
 5.9     40.1    0.5     1664286300
 5.9     41  0.6     1683128700
 5.9     43  1   1682345700
 5.9     43.1    0.5     1664289900
 5.9     43.2    0.5     1664291700
 5.9     45  0.3     1659856500
 5.9     46  0.9     1716308100
 5.9     48  0.9     1711640700
 5.9     48.1    0.5     1678281300
 5.9     48.2    0.3     1709205300
 5.9     49  0.5     1726139700
 5.9     49.1    0.8     1716300900
 5.9     49.2    0.3     1726150500
 5.9     49.3    0.3     1704892500
 5.9     50  0.4     1726141500
 5.9     50.1    0   1677514500
 5.9     51  0.2     1698417900
 5.9     52  0.3     1663260300
 5.9     54  0   1677577500
 5.9     54.1    0.4     1684325700
 5.9     54.2    0.1     1669731300
 5.9     54.3    0.3     1709133300
 5.9     56  0.2     1673264700
 5.9     56.1    0.5     1718048700
 5.9     59  0.3     1684242900
 5.9     62  0.3     1682430300
 6   25  0.5     1680605100
 6   26  1   1713194100
 6   27  0.6     1694009700
 6   27.1    0.5     1681649100
 6   28  0.3     1705760100
 6   28.1    0   1675689300
 6   29  0.3     1705749300
 6   29.1    0.4     1678895100
 6   30  0.8     1690910100
 6   30.1    1.5     1693230300
 6   31  1   1690298100
 6   32  0   1675950300
 6   33  0   1675953900
 6   35  1   1716394500
 6   35.1    0.6     1684678500
 6   36  0.9     1690902900
 6   36.1    0.2     1705743900
 6   37  0.2     1693952100
 6   38  0   1675862100
 6   38.1    0   1675766700
 6   39  1.2     1717173900
 6   39.1    0.6     1682853300
 6   41  -0.5    1711289700
 6   41.1    0.3     1659861900
 6   43  0.3     1659858300
 6   43.1    0.5     1683117900
 6   44  0.2     1705706100
 6   44.1    0   1677500100
 6   45  0.2     1702763100
 6   47  0.1     1705709700
 6   47.1    0.1     1705707900
 6   47.2    0   1701512100
 6   48  0   1677460500
 6   48.1    0   1677458700
 6   48.2    0.4     1726580700
 6   49  0.2     1704894300
 6   50  0.3     1686964500
 6   50.1    0   1677516300
 6   52  0.1     1669824900
 6   52.1    0.6     1683107100
 6   53  0.2     1709131500
 6   56  0.4     1728571500
 6   62  -0.1    1663418700
 6   65  0   1677406500
 6   78  -0.5    1701495900
 6.1     22  0.6     1694096100
 6.1     23  0.6     1693926900
 6.1     24  0.5     1694090700
 6.1     27  0.6     1694002500
 6.1     30  1.2     1691689500
 6.1     30.1    0.1     1705803300
 6.1     30.2    0.3     1705747500
 6.1     31  0.6     1663332300
 6.1     32  0.6     1663330500
 6.1     33  0.6     1715265900
 6.1     33.1    0.3     1698502500
 6.1     33.2    0.6     1663328700
 6.1     33.3    0.9     1716390900
 6.1     34  0.5     1695734100
 6.1     35  0.2     1680569100
 6.1     37  0   1675863900
 6.1     39  1.1     1691338500
 6.1     41  0.5     1683125100
 6.1     45  0   1677498300
 6.1     46  0.1     1700624700
 6.1     46.1    0.4     1678283100
 6.1     48  0.3     1698412500
 6.1     49  0.7     1711637100
 6.1     50  0.2     1704890700
 6.1     51  0.4     1711291500
 6.1     52  0.2     1709216100
 6.1     53  0.4     1729433700
 6.1     55  -0.1    1698954300
 6.1     55.1    0.1     1709136900
 6.1     58  0.2     1677782700
 6.1     58.1    0.3     1678459500
 6.1     58.2    0.2     1677780900
 6.1     64  0.1     1700583300
 6.1     75  0.1     1701501300
 6.1     81  -0.3    1701499500
 6.2     20  0.5     1680698700
 6.2     22  0.5     1694101500
 6.2     23  0.6     1694094300
 6.2     24  0.7     1693928700
 6.2     24.1    0.4     1680542100
 6.2     26  0.5     1693914300
 6.2     28  0.6     1694011500
 6.2     30  0.2     1705758300
 6.2     32  0.1     1702727100
 6.2     35  0.5     1715260500
 6.2     35.1    0.2     1699272900
 6.2     36  1.2     1691336700
 6.2     37  0.4     1722690900
 6.2     38  0.8     1660580100
 6.2     38.1    0.7     1690310700
 6.2     40  0.5     1678029300
 6.2     41  0.4     1684403100
 6.2     42  0.4     1695723300
 6.2     42.1    0.6     1681384500
 6.2     43  0   1677501900
 6.2     44  0.4     1678032900
 6.2     47  0.2     1698752700
 6.2     47.1    0   1677496500
 6.2     48  0.3     1677764700
 6.2     51  0   1709493300
 6.2     52  0.4     1683024300
 6.2     53  0.1     1698939900
 6.2     55  0.2     1698934500
 6.2     55.1    0.8     1716295500
 6.2     58  0.3     1678450500
 6.2     64  0.2     1700579700
 6.3     18  0.2     1700909100
 6.3     22  0.5     1680533100
 6.3     23  0.5     1693923300
 6.3     23.1    0.5     1680538500
 6.3     25  0.5     1680525900
 6.3     28  0.5     1681647300
 6.3     28.1    0.5     1659966300
 6.3     30  0.2     1700743500
 6.3     30.1    0.5     1663337700
 6.3     33  0.1     1705745700
 6.3     36  0.5     1715256900
 6.3     39  0.4     1682856900
 6.3     41  0.6     1663344900
 6.3     43  0.5     1683121500
 6.3     45  0.3     1698408900
 6.3     45.1    0.5     1697813100
 6.3     47  0.8     1716302700
 6.3     50  0.4     1726582500
 6.3     50.1    0.3     1698414300
 6.3     51  0.2     1657230300
 6.3     54  0.5     1684327500
 6.3     54.1    0.8     1716297300
 6.3     55  0.3     1678466700
 6.3     56  0   1677431700
 6.3     60  -0.1    1698956100
 6.3     61  0.2     1678454100
 6.4     24  0.5     1693930500
 6.4     26  0.5     1693910700
 6.4     28  1   1690294500
 6.4     30  1   1690303500
 6.4     31  0.2     1702725300
 6.4     32  0   1675946700
 6.4     33  1.1     1690299900
 6.4     33.1    0.3     1702728900
 6.4     36  1.1     1717172100
 6.4     36.1    0.4     1663326900
 6.4     38  0.4     1682858700
 6.4     40  0.6     1723580100
 6.4     41  0.5     1683126900
 6.4     42  0.9     1716304500
 6.4     42.1    0.7     1716313500
 6.4     43  0.5     1683119700
 6.4     44  0   1677503700
 6.4     46  0.3     1698754500
 6.4     47  0   1677447900
 6.4     47.1    0.2     1669815900
 6.4     50  0.9     1716299100
 6.4     51  0.2     1673270100
 6.4     53  0.2     1698936300
 6.4     53.1    0.1     1701519300
 6.4     54  0.2     1709135100
 6.4     56  0.2     1709138700
 6.4     57  0.2     1698930900
 6.5     12  0.2     1700918100
 6.5     31  1.5     1693232100
 6.5     32  0   1675948500
 6.5     33  0.2     1702732500
 6.5     37  0.5     1682860500
 6.5     39  0.2     1699197300
 6.5     39.1    0.5     1682865900
 6.5     43  0.2     1699182900
 6.5     43.1    0.4     1716317100
 6.5     45  0.2     1669806900
 6.5     48  0   1677444300
 6.5     49  0   1677494700
 6.5     50  0.2     1698761700
 6.5     51  0   1677606300
 6.5     61  0.1     1713636900
 6.6     21  0.6     1680534900
 6.6     23  0.7     1693921500
 6.6     25  0.5     1693912500
 6.6     26  0.5     1680524100
 6.6     33  0   1675944900
 6.6     33.1    0.5     1663339500
 6.6     35  0.8     1716392700
 6.6     36  0.4     1722689100
 6.6     38  0.2     1699195500
 6.6     43  0.5     1681388100
 6.6     45  0.2     1699188300
 6.6     48  0.3     1698750900
 6.6     48.1    0.1     1705691700
 6.6     48.2    0   1677446100
 6.6     49  0.8     1727873100
 6.6     51  0.3     1677761100
 6.6     51.1    0   1677608100
 6.6     56  0.3     1678461300
 6.6     61  0.1     1701524700
 6.6     68  -0.1    1660844700
 6.6     70  0.2     1714657500
 6.6     76  0   1660594500
 6.7     25  0.5     1681650900
 6.7     30  0.6     1659026700
 6.7     36  0.5     1715258700
 6.7     37  0.2     1702736100
 6.7     38  0.4     1682855100
 6.7     41  0.6     1716315300
 6.7     42  0.1     1700630100
 6.7     43  0.2     1699190100
 6.7     51  0.3     1724787900
 6.7     54  0.1     1669826700
 6.7     58  0.4     1715877900
 6.7     58.1    0.4     1715879700
 6.7     61  -0.1    1663415100
 6.7     63  0.2     1711619100
 6.7     64  -0.2    1698957900
 6.8     33  0.2     1702730700
 6.8     41  0.9     1716311700
 6.8     43  0.1     1700628300
 6.8     46  0.2     1699200900
 6.8     51  0.8     1711635300
 6.8     52  0.2     1673266500
 6.8     52.1    0   1677579300
 6.8     53  0.3     1709217900
 6.8     53.1    0.1     1697787900
 6.8     54  0.3     1678448700
 6.8     56  0   1705682700
 6.8     69  0   1677410100
 6.9     43  0.2     1699184700
 6.9     44  0.3     1698407100
 6.9     46  0.5     1727874900
 6.9     46.1    0   1677507300
 6.9     47  0   1677509100
 6.9     52  0   1677622500
 6.9     52.1    0.4     1677773700
 6.9     55  0   1677437100
 6.9     55.1    0.4     1678464900
 6.9     61  0.1     1704336300
 7   16  0.3     1700912700
 7   33  0.2     1699019100
 7   36  0.2     1711646100
 7   44  0   1677505500
 7   48  0.3     1698410700
 7   48.1    0.3     1677768300
 7   50  0   1677581100
 7   50.1    0.3     1677770100
 7   53  1   1711631700
 7   55  0.4     1678463100
 7   56  0.1     1677779100
 7   58  0.4     1728569700
 7   61  0.5     1711622700
 7.1     48  0   1677582900
 7.1     48.1    0   1677442500
 7.1     50  0.4     1677771900
 7.1     52  0.8     1711633500
 7.1     59  0   1697778900
 7.2     16  0.3     1700910900
 7.2     23  0.5     1694092500
 7.2     39  0.2     1711647900
 7.2     40  0.7     1690188300
 7.2     44  0.1     1705700700
 7.2     44.1    0.2     1699186500
 7.2     52  0   1698941700
 7.2     52.1    0.3     1677759300
 7.3     22  0.6     1693925100
 7.3     23  0.6     1693917900
 7.3     37  0.3     1699193700
 7.3     43  0.1     1705704300
 7.3     45  0.3     1698756300
 7.3     47  0   1677584700
 7.3     48  0   1677456900
 7.3     49  0   1677455100
 7.3     53  0.3     1677775500
 7.3     59  1.1     1711628100
 7.3     62  0   1677404700
 7.4     23  0.6     1680529500
 7.4     30  0.3     1705751100
 7.4     48  0   1677449700
 7.4     49  0   1677453300
 7.4     55  1.2     1711629900
 7.4     63  0   1677402900
 7.5     23  0.5     1680531300
 7.5     33  0.4     1657116900
 7.5     41  0.2     1699199100
 7.5     49  0   1677591900
 7.5     49.1    0   1677451500
 7.5     52  0   1698943500
 7.5     82  -0.4    1699157700
 7.6     23  0.6     1680527700
 7.6     28  0.3     1705752900
 7.6     36  0.4     1678896900
 7.6     37  0.2     1701515700
 7.6     39  0.3     1699191900
 7.6     47  0.2     1705697100
 7.6     53  0.1     1705688100
 7.6     54  0.2     1677777300
 7.6     59  1   1711626300
 7.6     61  0.3     1711620900
 7.7     45  0.2     1699002900
 7.7     56  0   1705684500
 7.8     36  0.2     1702734300
 7.8     54  0.2     1701522900
 7.8     64  -0.1    1663413300
 7.9     47  0   1677599100
 7.9     48  0   1677600900
 7.9     70  -0.6    1663409700
 8   28  0.3     1705756500
 8   34  0.4     1711644300
 8   38  0.2     1701517500
 8   42  0.2     1705702500
 8   46  0.2     1705698900
 8   47  0.1     1705693500
 8   48  0.1     1701521100
 8   48.1    0.6     1711638900
 8   50  0.2     1698759900
 8   55  0.1     1705686300
 8.1     30  0.3     1699015500
 8.1     33  0.6     1659028500
 8.2     30  0.3     1699017300
 8.2     47  0   1677593700
 8.2     50  0   1677604500
 8.2     66  -0.4    1663411500
 8.3     52  0.1     1698938100
 8.3     74  -0.5    1663407900
 8.4     47  0   1677597300
 8.4     47.1    0.1     1705695300
 8.5     44  0.3     1698758100
 8.5     47  0   1677595500
 8.6     28  0.3     1705754700
 8.6     50  0   1677602700
 8.6     59  0.5     1711624500
 8.8     42  0.3     1699004700
 8.9     37  0.2     1699006500
 9   49  0   1677586500
 9.3     34  0.2     1699008300
 9.3     50  0   1677590100
 9.5     39  0.2     1701513900
 9.7     34  0.4     1699010100
 10  50  0   1677588300
 10.2    30  0.3     1699011900
 11.3    29  0.3     1699013700

and my script (as reduced as I could) is the following:

reset session
set term win
set datafile missing NaN

   v = 6   #  N° OF CONTOURS OF contourplot

   year1 = 2022
   month1 = 'Julio'
   day1 = 1
   time1 = '08:00:00'
   year2 = 2024
   month2 = 'Noviembre'
   day2 = 1
   time2 = '00:00:00'
   set locale "spanish"
s1 = sprintf("%02.0f",day1)
s2 = sprintf("%02.0f",day2)
   vi = strptime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S","".year1.'-'."".int(tm_mon(strptime("%B",month1))+1).'-'.s1.time1)
   vf = strptime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S","".year2.'-'."".int(tm_mon(strptime("%B",month2))+1).'-'.s2.time2)
stats "datos.txt" u 1:2
x0 = STATS_min_x; xf = STATS_max_x
y0 = STATS_min_y; yf = STATS_max_y
stats "datos.txt" u 3
z0 = STATS_min
zf = STATS_max
set table $Contour0 
    plot "datos.txt" u 1:2:3:(gprintf("%.f",timecolumn(4,"%s"))) w table
unset table
set dgrid3d 257,257 qnorm 9

# Use a coarser grid when generating 1 label per contour >>TO BE DEFINED OUTSIDE ANY DO-LOOP, OTHERWISE IT GIVES ERROR<< (THE SAME FOR '<< EOD BLOCKS') 
# use a dummy definition g = $smallgrid() to force a single execution of a function that resets the grid parameters
function $smallgrid() << EOF
    set dgrid3d 65,65 qnorm 9

do for [i=year1:year2] { 
j0 = 1; if (i==year1) {j0 = 0+strftime ("%m",vi)}
jf =12; if (i==year2) {jf =-1+strftime ("%m",vf)}
do for [j=j0:jf] {
vii = strptime("%Y%m","".i."".j)
vff = strptime("%Y%m","".i."".(j+1))

        set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10  
        set cbrange[z0:zf]
set yrange [*:*]    # otherwise a warning comes out though it doesn't do anything bad
stats "datos.txt" u (($4-900)>vii && ($4-900)<=vff ? $3: NaN)
w = 0.1 * int((STATS_max-STATS_min-0.2)*10./(v-1.))   # THIS IS THE STEP OF THE CONTOUR LEVELS
if (w==0.) {w = 1.}
set cntrparam levels incremental STATS_min+0.1,w,STATS_max-0.1
  set table $Temp
      set samples v
      plot '+' u (STATS_min+0.1+$0*w) w table
  if ((((STATS_max-STATS_min-0.2) - int(STATS_max-STATS_min-0.2))/w) >= 0.5) {plot '+' every ::::0 u (STATS_max-0.1) w table}
  set table $Levels
      plot $Temp u 1:0 smooth freq   # sort levels
  unset table
  myLevels = ''
  stats $Levels u (myLevels = myLevels.($0==0?'':', ').strcol(1)) nooutput

set view 0,0,1.5
set xrange [x0:xf]
set yrange [y0:yf]
set zrange [z0:zf]
set xtics format "{/:Bold %.1f}" font "Times-New Roman, 10"
set ytics format "{/:Bold %.f}" scale 0.35 font "Times-New Roman, 10"  offset -1.5,0
set ztics

set cntrlabel format "{/:Bold %.1f}" font "Times-New Roman, 10" onecolor
set contour;  set cntrparam levels discrete @myLevels
set pm3d explicit
  splot "datos.txt" u 1:2:(($4-900)>vii && ($4-900)<=vff ? $3: NaN) with pm3d notitle, \
      '' u 1:2:(($4-900)>vii && ($4-900)<=vff ? $3: NaN) with lines lw 1 lc "black" nosurface notitle, \
      g=$smallgrid() '' u 1:2:(($4-900)>vii && ($4-900)<=vff ? $3: NaN) with labels pointnumber 1 notitle, \
      $Contour0 u 1:2:(($4-900)>vii && ($4-900)<=vff ? $3: NaN) w p nogrid pt 7 ps 0.15 lc "black" notitle

    set xrange [*:*]
    set yrange [*:*]
    set zrange [*:*]
    set xtics
    set ytics
    undefine $Temp
    undefine $Levels


  • I have not tried to run your script, but I can see that the problem is in the line:

    set cntrparam levels discrete @myLevels

    It is not possible to set a string variable inside a do loop and then dereference it inside that same do loop. The reason for this is that operation of replacing @var with the string contained by var is performed only once, before executing the loop. Thus all iterations of the loop see the same constant string value that was set before the loop was executed for the first time.

    If you absolutely must use a constructed command inside a loop, you could instead use the evaluate() command rather than macro expansion:

    level_command = "set cntrparam levels discrete " . myLevels