I'm trying to execute the following Dockerfile with Kaniko on a Jenkins node
FROM docker.mycompany.io/adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre-11.0.11_9-alpine
COPY app.jar app.jar
RUN mkdir /some-directory
But I'm getting the error
mkdir: can't create directory '/some-directory': File exists
I've checked the base image (adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre-11.0.11_9-alpine
) and I can see that /some-directory
does not exist so I'm not sure why kaniko is telling me the directory already exists.
I'm using the following Kaniko command
/kaniko/executor /
--context dir://myproject/src/main/docker /
--dockerfile myproject/src/main/docker/Dockerfile /
--destination docker-staging.docker.mycompany.io/foo/myproject:111.222.333 /
--registry-certificate docker-staging.docker.mycompany.io=/etc/ssl/certs/mycompany.crt /
--verbosity=debug /
It turns out that the Kaniko command actually succeeded the first time on a clean Jenkins node, it was only second / subsequent executions on the same Jenkins node where the mkdir would fail so it seems I had a dirty kaniko filesystem when the error occurs.
I solved this by adding the --cleanup
and --cache=false
flags to the Kaniko command.
I believe that in newer versions of Kaniko I could use the --cache-run-layers=false
flag but I'm using an older version of Kaniko which does not have this option