When building a Kotlin Multiplatform library, using CocoaPods as explained here: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/native-cocoapods.html
you may encounter the following errors:
Execution failed for task ':shared:linkPodDebugFrameworkIosArm64'.
Execution failed for task ':shared:linkPodDebugFrameworkIosX64'.
Execution failed for task ':shared:linkPodDebugFrameworkIosSimulatorArm64'.
Execution failed for task ':shared:linkPodReleaseFrameworkIosArm64'.
Execution failed for task ':shared:linkPodReleaseFrameworkIosX64'.
Execution failed for task ':shared:linkPodReleaseFrameworkIosSimulatorArm64'.
e: Could not find 'My' in [...]
What can be the cause?
A possible cause for this is having a white space in the Gradle project name:
In settings.gradle.kts
rootProject.name = "My App"
Replace it with:
rootProject.name = "My_App"